I just thought this was really cool, I like the art direction. How's this for the king of [censored]?
I just thought this was really cool, I like the art direction. How's this for the king of [censored]?
I still think his portrayal in Skyrim is much more cooler and sinister.
I need to go back and see him in Skyrim, I've forgotten it
Use this link: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/079/3/0/dawnguard__shrine_of_molag_bal_by_vincent_is_mine-d5lulyx.jpg
It amuses me that they stubbornly avoid calling him the King of [censored].
I like his look. It does seem to be heavily based on Skyrim, his statues in MW and OB had bestial heads. But he still looks quite menacing.
Well, I can see why they wouldn't want to throw that word around in an MMO. Plus he's much more central to ESO than he is to any of the other TES games, and even in those that title is only mentioned in a few in-game books so...
Can't say I blame them
It's a more widely known title than God of Schemes. ESO is M rated now, so they call him whatever they want, although I'm not surprised that they prefer less controversial and more ambiguous domination. Doesn't really matter, the books are probably still in the game.