Something that I'm confused about, and potentially worried about, is the ability for any character to eventually learn every skill in the game. If I heard correctly, you start out with a limited specialization, but as you progress you can eventually learn every skill in the game if you wanted to. So my concern is, will every character be the same by end game?
Also, is there any advantage with focusing on fewer specializations, and sicking with a few to excel at? i.e. If I make an Orc Warrior, and I don't want to use any magic, and I just want to use my two-handed axe, heavy armor, and pure martial abilities- will this be viable and possible? Or as a Dragon Knight or Templar, are we forced to use magic? If I choose to ignore magic, will it allow me to improve or use more martial abilities and skills that would otherwise be taken up by using magic?
I just thought it was strange we don't have a class that focuses purely on martial skills and has nothing to do with magic - you know like every other Elders Scrolls game. I just hope I can make an Orc warrior, and have absolutely nothing to do with magic. But am I missing something here?