I still killed him but it was one of my hardest kills. I mean he just sits there completely okay with death, being chill as hell. While doomsday is before him, armored to the teeth with a big axe.
Oh and I killed Motierre just because.
I still killed him but it was one of my hardest kills. I mean he just sits there completely okay with death, being chill as hell. While doomsday is before him, armored to the teeth with a big axe.
Oh and I killed Motierre just because.
Didn't you just make a thread about how much you enjoyed chopping his head off...?
Well that was when spawning him at Palace of the kings, lol. I'm talking about when I did that quest.
Of course
The mods here are fast to react. Asked for it to be moved here to the cheats section and BAM, not five minutes later! Thank you unknown mod who lurks in the shadows.
Whatever your opinions of him: The man dies with class!
Yeah, as a person, the Emperor seems like an alright dude. Shame he's a terrible ruler.
The emp is no milk drinker when It comes to his death.
I respect him lots and I don't think a man like that would bend over for the thalmor...The elder council had something to do with that.
I actually believe he is a skilled military leader.
Terrible politician is what I believe he is.
I liked the way he admitted defeat, very honourable of him. Albeit it shouldn't have been that easy to sneak past his guards.
Whenever I do the DB quest line, which is seldom, I killed Motierre all those times. Not so much for having the Emperor killed (like those PCs have any to say on that end), but the dude, or should say copy-cat, carries gems. I could steal them, but his presence, as well Rexus, just rubs me off the wrong way and be glad to get rid of them.
*OT: One of those PCs threw a double casted Fury spell at each of them and good old Uncle Sam had lots of fun killing them... priceless.
He wielded Goldbrand. Enough said. I don't care cow much of a sell-out people think he is. He personally led the counter-attack against Lord Naarifin, and Boethiah deemed him a worthy-enough-legend to hold Goldbrand in his hand.
he is my favorite kill, simply for his classic response to your arrival and actions.
And that's why the little snit that hired the brotherhood dies, out of respect for the man I killed. I still complete the job, but I can't deny the man his request to eliminate the honorless soul who hired me