Well done. I got thrown into a room by myself with two teachers watching over me.
Needless to say I got U's. Meh. Gimme a test on TES lore and... and... okay, I'd probably fail that aswell.
Well done. I got thrown into a room by myself with two teachers watching over me.
Needless to say I got U's. Meh. Gimme a test on TES lore and... and... okay, I'd probably fail that aswell.
I am self-employed and work at home. I make sure that I have finished all of my work and all of my household chores before I even think about gaming. My work comes first. Play, second.
So, no. I am accomplishing the important things in my life. Gaming is like the dessert I reward myself after I have eaten my main course.
Yes. Nuff said.
I'm sorry to hear that man, been there unfortunately. Life happens
If it wasn't for skyrim, I would have wasted 1000's of hours on inferior games.
For 65 bucks I'd say hell yes, It is time (And Money) well spent.
I actually brought skyrim twice, One normal edition (For Xbox) on 11/11/11 and then the CE, The one with the Alduin figure (Praise be) and that sixy art book for PC (I got it for 50 bucks at gamestop..guy was like "Yea, we still have one more of those big ass CE's in the back for PC...want it? it's 50 bucks" My answer should be obvious).
And well, it's 1000 hours on the course of 2 years.
Time incredibly well spent.
Still playing it, pre-ordered TESO and waiting for TES VI.
Time incredibly well spent. Sometimes, it's good to get lost in my own imagination in a world created by another.
Sorry to hear about your Mom, mine passed away 3 yr's ago, it hurts at any age.
I don't regret a minute of the time I have spent in Skyrim. My job can take up 60 hr's a week or 0 depends on what/when they need me. My husband work's full time with the same company. Social life?... Nope never been the social butterfly, that would be my brother. I do what I need to and then play my game. Husband is well fed with from scratch meals, cloths are clean, company trailer is clean, dog's are clean and fed... we get all our excercise walking around town, twice, takes about an hr. Works for me.