Lol wut? Nudity is bad but gore is ok. : face palm :. What is this world coming to. "I WANT DECAPITATIONS AND TORTURE CHAMBERS, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO SKIN!" Seriously people. Nudity = Natural. Heads flying in all directions is not. Don't get me wrong, I am not looking for six scenes or anything, nor am I looking for Gears of War Gore. It should be appropriate to the situation. If I am stabbing someone through the gut, yes, there should be gore. If I am bathing in the hotsprings and it is in the age of TES, yes, they should be naked. We don't need brothels, but we also don't need a wide array of unnecessary brutality.
ON TOPIC THOUGH. I don't want ANY graphic mods. NONE. All we need is someone to exploit the mods and then they can see through walls and pick out healers in the crowd without any effort. UI mods and OFFICIAL higher graphic settings are all that should be permitted.