U guys are realy missing hes point and question. Altho he got hes answer, didnt bother replying to all the nonsens u through in here. 30 days * 24 hours = 720 hours *60min = 43200 minutes.
Im a full time employe and i work aroun 8-10 hours a day, as much as i like the game i only have time to play 2-3 hours a day and some days 0 hours. and if i add up all that to 30 days i will only use 90 hours/ month.
Thats why he asked if the 30 days is a reagular GMT hour that passes in RL or the time u spent online. Because that would actualy work for me, pay for 30 days and play almost 8 months. Just think about thiscase:
- u just purchased ur ESO and u cant wait to play it, activate the account and just enter the game when ur VGA just dies....no worries u have a warranty for it and the next day u take it to the service but they wont fix it on the spot, and will just hold ur PC / Laptop there for ...any number of reassons (the warranty specifies they can solve a problem in **number of days wich can vary between 5-14 days, and that work days, meaning sunday and saturday dont count) and there u go: spent 50-70 USD for only 10 days of play 
Now u see where the original question was heading?? Not the ingame time or whatever crapy answer ppl gave. I know u mean well but please dont talk unless u have a inteligible thing to say.