Because no information has been released on the console versions of the game I'm afraid I can't say or link a comparison video. Graphics are important to me too, but I think you have to consider the hardware and software limitations. Before I go any further, please correct me if I'm wrong here as I'm no expert. Being an MMO, that alone should indicate that visuals may have to be required to run the game on both console and PC. We can expect quite a lot of people in the same zones with minimal instances with the exception of Cyrodiil with its channel system. If the visuals were top notch, say the equivalent of Skyrim in the late PS4 period, the game would run slower than an amputated sloth. That's just a guess though, I could be wrong.
It's said that consoles won't diminish the quality of the PC version of the game because it was designed from the ground up with both in mind. I imagine they'll both be similar but framerate may vary, and some textures may load at different speeds. I would assume both are almost identical, if not exactly the same at the highest settings. Until actual gameplay is released closer to the game's launch (I imagine that is when something will be shown, to appeal to the console audience), all we can do so far is speculate.
If I had to make an estimated guess, I would say they would look identical in terms of overall texture quality and probably additional settings like god rays or shadow quality. The game doesn't seem to be that demanding on the hardware.
it will probably look the same(or similar) considering how next gen consoles are built like pc's
Nothing is known. It's unknown what graphics settings were used in the videos. Also there's still a lot of time for the devs to optimize the game.
Hopefully you know that Xbox 1's graphics card is much worse than in Playstation 4. Hope that your Xbox 1 can at least run the game in native 1080p and not in lower resolution like many release games. I assume Xbox 1's graphics are still going to be decent though. Later if Mantle API support is added graphics may improve.
First, I guess the console version will look pretty much like the pc version, this depend a bit on the graphic settings who is fixed on consoles.
For some insane reasons the default settings in pc games prefer to focus on stuff like anti aliasing over draw distance.
For me having stuff pop up kind of kill the feeling more than minor imperfections in rendering of the bow string.
Have you seen the recommended specs? The graphics card is REALLY low.
XB1 GPU Radeon 7790
Required for ESO max
Radeon 6950
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I won't play a game that makes my persona look like a cartoon.
The higher the detail the better...imo.
The character creation is REALLY good, you can make your character look really bad ass, or make him look like a cartoon, if you are creative, you will have a good time creating your character.
Dude, you are not shallow. We experience our entire existance through our eyes. I don't know about XBox 1 but having Beta'd I'll say that this is the best looking MMO *I* have ever personally played.
PC are supreme, no question about that. You make good upgrades you run anything gloriously, unless the game is bad coded. So PC will have better graphics in theory.
PS4 will have the second better graphics. Sony always invested a lot in the looking of their games. I only saw them losing to Xbox with PS2. But ES games have a bad relationship with playstations...
Xbox One will have the third better graphics (mind you the differences might be minimum), but MS always go for stability over graphics.
Considering you will have XXX players competing at the same screen, your choice of Xbox might be just good, what use is to run beautiful as a PS if you lag like a PS.