We’re thrilled to see so many of you already forming guilds for The Elder Scrolls Online! It’s a true testament to the community we seek to establish in ESO – one of camaraderie, teamwork, and awesomeness.
We want your guilds to get the visibility and members they deserve, but we’re worried your recruitment threads/posts here on the temporary ESO forums are getting lost among other posts.
As a better alternative, we’d like to point you to some of our fansites with very active guild recruitment sections:
Enjin - http://www.enjin.com/
ESO Recruiter - http://esorecruiting.webs.com/
Guild Launch - http://www.guildlaunch.com/
Reddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/ESOGuilds/
Tamriel Foundry - http://tamrielfoundry.com/groups/
TESOF - http://www.tesof.com/forum-guilds
The Shadowed Mare - http://shadowedmare.com/groups/
TESO-RP - http://teso-rp.com/
UESP - http://forums.uesp.net/viewforum.php?f=48&sid=c0f63a169b9d0f3bb2c55430c46f1314
Gamona - http://elderscrolls.gamona.de/forum/f/gildenhalle/
TESOnline.de - http://forum.scharesoft.de/forumdisplay.php?164-ESO-Gilden
Elder-Scrolls-Online.de - http://www.elder-scrolls-online.de/gildenverzeichnis.html
TESO-Rollenspiel - http://www.teso-rollenspiel.de/index.php?page=Lexicon&lexiconID=2
my Elder Scrolls Online - http://myelderscrollsonline.de/forum/index.php/Board/10-Gildenvorstellungen/
The Elder Scrolls Online France - http://elderscrollsonline.fr/guildes/
Many passionate ESO fans are already visiting these sites in search of the right guild for them. By forming and promoting your guild in one of these locations, you’re much more likely to find the guildmates you’re looking for.