Note: This is NOT my top secret lore surprise. This is my OTHER top secret lore surprise. 

I know that this might be hard to follow (what do I mean 'might', this is pretty hard to follow lol) but I hope you all enjoy it. Please, leave a comment or your own theories below. The Elder Scrolls community is awesome and you all deserve this. 

WRITTEN BY: LaJaveyon Saunders (IceFireWarden) With Musings From Other Characters Of The Bungle Bog
Proxi-Images From The Dreamsleeve Online Grid, With Gratitude
Inati, High Hypothesian of the Coalesce Efflux, carefully fluttered sideways along the flight of stairs within the Logidifice of MORRAH, flicking away the Hawk Artifisengers that kept besieging him with unimportant missives:
(Trakk, Keeper of the Quasi-Oracle: Sideband Tangents Unloaded Due To Melodic Error; Rerouting To False Mnemoli-Cortex/)
(Yonda, Minor Repairian of False Night Light: The Council Of Dull Chimes Request Your Appearance In Six Minutes/)
Inati heard out the nearest eyehole and followed the movements of a repairian’s Mend Vessel as it fused the bottom ligaments of the Logidifice back together at the core. Such a fusion would not have been necessary if the Logidifice hadn’t been so abruptly Lifted during the chaos of the last two-minute storms.
The Aeronaut will be executed immediately after our safe return from the current Trial for such impudence, Inati thought as he reached his destination – the Archway that led into to the Central Cavity of Uutak. Inati began to flow through the doorway when the Sentinels of the Lower Staff drew their swords and placed them on both sides of his neck. Descending from the hollow ceiling and landing behind Inati walked the Vanguard Anti-Surveillance Warframe (V.A.S.W), a construct he himself had helped design, to make sure he did not escape.
“Please present your Articupers for proper identification,” the construct on the left of the Archway vocalized. Inati produced his documents, annoyed by the fact that these uneducated imbeciles had yet to remember his face. Sadly, they had not been Spliced with the ability to remember such things. The Sentinels returned the Articupers and yelled as was customary:
Inati muttered about the stupidity of the Sentinels as he crossed the threshold and into the Resonating Nave which was still occupied by the Warrior-Vicars of the Cloth of NOCKT, who were slowly recreating themselves within Stint Modules by shade meditation. The High Hypothesian uttered a silent thought-click to NOCKT before waiting patiently for Nhem to awaken for the Trial.
The lid of the Stint Module hissed open, involuntarily sending Inati an image of reflected sound of the Prime Thesite as she stretched her membranous forearms to unstiffen them and glided towards Inati with a look of dull excitement. Her Transmodule vibrated as it relayed a series of colorful notes that only her ears were adapted to hear.
“The Relic is on its way,” Nhem said after the private broadcast squeaked out of existence as the indiscernible noise-hunters dissolved it without hesitation. “Shall we begin the Trial?”
“Of course.” Inati turned to the Cloth and placed his Inculcator within his mouth, sending a barely audible subroutine of tones between their ears that drilled into their subliminal telencephalons and made his Notes their Law.
[I/N/A/T/I/ – STO.P ? L.EA.V.E ? R.E.S.T – I/T/A/N/I]
The Stint Modules opened as one and their inhabitants followed behind the Warrior-Vicars as the Cloth drifted through the Archway and down the steps that led to the Lower Offices of HRAHNDEYL befitted only of those belonging to the Mirror-Talkers or the Cult of ALORHK, while nine Acoustinights entered the Nave, each armed with Clef Chain and Bassord except for one, who walked forward to the center of the floor and placed his snout at Inati’s chest while presenting the Relic, bound in the oozing flesh of the executed forsaken of ERPYTE.
The High Hypothesian grasped the Not-Quite-There-Hilt and stabbed the Acoustinight threw the heart silently. Red blood flowed through the glyphs etched across floor as Inati and the others equipped their persons with Symic Lenses. “Prepare to Chronomorph the room back into what it never was!” he bellowed.
In unison the Yneslians screamed reflected sound at the Relic, which began vibrating so uncontrollably that it began to Bleed through multiple split-points along the opus matrix until the Resonating Nave broke apart into the 18th Dimension and recreated itself into the Central Cavity of Uutak with the Electroacoustic Spheroid Reactor spinning in the room, the Relic trapped inside of it. If it had not been for their Symic Lenses, the sheer magnetized volumes would’ve ripped them to shreds.
“MemoSPEC Online, Disengage Interior Lock Mechanism, Disengage External Latching Parameters!” Nhem relayed to them all. They could not tally while using such a powerful aegis, or they could destroy the entire Membrane down to its lowest soprano. The Yneslians used their reflected sounds and externotes while dangerously tapping into the E.S.R itself for power. The orb unraveled gracefully until it resembled a beautiful star flow with miniature solarite as it let loose the sound of Multiple-But-Just-One-Macrocosms and soundful light began ricocheting around the Cavity as a humming-song began to echo throughout the Cavity, streaming from the E.S.R.
“It is coming,” Inati shouted to them all. “This is the one step of the Trial we cannot fail, or we let risk letting it or other things Bleed completely through into the Uutak. Be steady!”
The humming-song grew stronger and more clearer as Inati and his Zaum held open the E.S.R with their reflected sounds, never growing tired of the spectacular mind-sketches that lit up his eyes with each one. All of the mind-sketches showed different events and different times of different worlds alongside each other in spreadsheet order.
Suddenly, Inati felt a decrease of power and turned to his right to see one of the Acoustinights slowly succumbing to the high concentration of Pysk leaking out of the Spheroid and his reflected sounds becoming mere echoes.
“No!” Nhem shouted. “Do not falter, or something may–”
The solarite within the E.S.R metapsychologically exploded into a million song shards that rebuilt themselves zero seconds later due to the affects of the Relic preserving them without mercy. A cold dark hand fizzled into existence from within the Reactor, until it was followed by an arm, a torso, and eventually legs until they could see exactly what was coming out – the combined fragments of maddened and hungry music-thoughts trapped between the Macrosoms within the fractured Dreamsleeve, a Quati-Ghost.
One of the Acoustinights screamed, causing the Quati-Ghost to split into multiple insta-clones caused by rebounding tone breakage and it descended upon the worker, removing his Talk and stripping him down to the last chord.
Inati and Nhem noticed the E.S.R. weakening as the Quati-Ghost(s) turned to look for more noise to consume, but the humming-song grew louder and louder. The arrival would be soon, but their summoning would be immediately destroyed by the Quati-Ghost(s) on materialization. Communicating silently with one another, the Hypothesian and the Thesite sacrificed their fellow colleagues’ lives for their Talk and used them to unbound the Quati-Ghost(s) from the Logidifice, where it was svcked into the constant time-distortions of the Spheroid and landed into a Nearly-Mirror of another realm that the Yneslians knew just as L.
The E.S.R, no longer supported by multiple Talks as the extra power left Inati and Nhem, began to inwardly collapse on itself abruptly just as the humming-song became deafening loud and a beautiful all seeing cool but angry light erupted into the middle of the fractured spheroid quite befuddled.
“Engage External Latching Parameters, Engage Interior Lock Mechanism, MemoSPEC Offline!” Inati and Nhem shouted together and using their reflected sound reverted the Electroacoustic Spheroid Reactor back into its default user platform with the Mnem encased inside it.
Inati breathed through labored pants and hanged himself to recover his stamina and voice. Using so much Talk at once when he was his age was dangerous and had nearly destroyed him as a creature completely.
“I will go inform the Committee that the Trial was a success, High Hypothesian,” Nhem said. And with one flap she gained enough wind to flutter across the threshold and into the darkness.
Inati sighed and turned around to look at the E.S.R, which now contained a powerful new component that his superiors would be greatly interested in, not to mention his own future ideas he hoped to put into motion.
“You are mine now, Mnem. Tell me your secrets.”
The Spheroid beeped.