Im being a bit picky, so ill keep it in a listed format. Ideally looking for nexus mods, NMM friendly and not huge/game-changing etc. Thanks
Basically, I am looking for:
- A Castle! All knights must have castles, but after 90 minutes of searching on the nexus I was disappointed. Im looking for a smallish place, roughly around the size of a standard vanilla fort. Or even a glorified hunting lodge. Nothing massive, which will lag up my computer. Ideally a nice Maid/servant, small garden and the nice trimmings etc. Location wise I would like it reasonably centralized, not an island in the Abecean sea etc. And no huge questline, ideally none at all, attached to it.
- Armour! I liked the heavy Imperial armour from Morrowind, if anybody made a design for that. Otherwise some nice legion armour, ideally, and maybe an imperial design sword/shield?
- Squire: Fanciful, not essential but I would like a nice follower, a subservient one. Not a complex storyline with them.
- Possible fleshing out of the Imperial legion/legion questline? Would be nice for at least one or two of Cyrodiil forts to still be manned by the Empire
Now, for a slightly different want. A monkish-oriented character. Again, I don't expect all of this to be possible. Here goes:
- Staves!
- A few more priory's or monastic orders in Cyrodiil, because the game really doesn't make it feel like the centre of the divine religion.
- Expansion of the temple of the one, to actually feel like a powerful monastic order
- Possible monastic questline? (Talos cult anyone?)
Thank you