Valiant Lydia died trying to follow me on paths only a PC can travel. So I recruited a lioness in Riften who showed some potential. Together we freed a very lovely spawn of vileness. Against my better judgement, I sent my lioness away to further my crusade, as advancing the scheme of this hell-spawn seems to be the only way to rid this world of her debased kin.
Can I send her away for a while and then go find her when my abilities match the task that she represents? I would at least like to clean up some unfinished business in about 20 different locations....
Taranur Stormwatcher
_Out of character now.
Can Serana be dismissed and found later when I am higher level? If so, where would she be found?
If I do this, will vampire/related creature attacks continue at the same rate?
Will the vamps keep levelling, or are they static?
On a related question; Do Armored Trolls respawn? If one dies in my service does Gunnar (?) keep training more? Or is there a limit to how many can ever exist in-game? I never thought that I would want an Armored Troll as an ally. But I was a Skinny KId. Give me my cross-town bruiser as a BFF!
Also, I am open to unsolicited advice. But keep in mind that this is my first play-through, and that I identify as and play as Good whenever possible (drives my better-half nuts I am sure).