What about the damn Slaughterfish?
Until Morrowind, I never got the "Slaughter" in Slaughterfish. Spalshing around in mud and filth one day, I descend into the water to make a short crossing, to get mobbed by a herd of seven slaughterfish. And its the same everywhere - There seems to be shoals of them every few centimetres, as common as you like, with there fat ugly faces, snot - coloured skin and vicious little nippers. Floundering around desperately to get to the surface, you are constantly pinched by those vile creatures. They are pretty much the marine other to the beloved Cliff racers. They should be married. And yes, I got three cliffraces heaped on top of eachother in an air borne stairlift to flick their tails at me and make winey noises.
Lets make this a competition shall we, whose the most irritating? The little fish, or the big birds? Ow how I love Kynarath's little [censored]