Is this at all possible to make starting a new game or testing stuff out a bit easier if you have a lot of mods? To save all your current mods MCM settings to a profile and load them up rather then doing it all manually everytime?
Is this at all possible to make starting a new game or testing stuff out a bit easier if you have a lot of mods? To save all your current mods MCM settings to a profile and load them up rather then doing it all manually everytime?
yes and no.
no, there is currently no simple option for users to do this.
yes, there is currently a newish mod that alllows modders to implement import and export functions into their MCM. it is up to the modders to include this.
so far i think only the creator himself has added this functionality to his mods, others still have to band that wagon.
i can feel your pain, myself i have atm 28 MCMs
I bet a lot more modders would make use of this, if the resource is free to use without making the own mod dependent it. I for myself have no interest in connecting one of my mods to any additional requirements.
it is as far as i can tell.
i use "take note" by the same author (ingame journal that you can write in with your keyboard). it does not require the FISS esp, i can tell since i do not use it myself. but if it is present, it lets you export or import journals.
You would need FISS though for the same reason, because MCM settings would have to be exported so they can be saved on your computer instead of in the savegame.
if you want to use the export functions, yes you need fiss. but as a mod author you can provide fiss functionality without making your mod inherently dependent on fiss. it remains optional for players to use the extended functionality or not. if they do want to use it, they have to install fiss as well, correct. it's like SkyUI that works without skse, even though many functions are lost then. or mods that offer an MCM, which still work without skyUI installed. people will not be able to access the MCM, but the mod will still work and is not dependent on SkyUI.esp.
This is not a new concept - The mod a import/export layout function since may/2013.
But this FISS is very nice.
And is from the same modder of Minimal HUD and Take Notes .
It would be better if this was already integrated into SkyUI.
Like a restore function.