So as the title says; How many people pre-ordered the game without playing the game? Also, are you getting worried about your investment yet?
So as the title says; How many people pre-ordered the game without playing the game? Also, are you getting worried about your investment yet?
i would of pre-ordered this game a year ago but i knew i was buying the CE so i had to wait for it to be announced. thats the only reason i played the beta before pre-ordering. not worried at all about my investment
I wasn't that I am finding a bit more info I am getting worried. My main worry is that the game wont be playable from the get go for either lag or major glitches. If that's the case I will stop paying the sub and wait for it to be sorted. I have low tolerance for bad gaming expreiences. If it wasn't Elder Scrolls I wouldn't have bought it because of the sub..after WoW I said "never again" pay subs. Well here I am...
I'm in the same boat, Balbinus. I'll still buy the game but the 30 days free must give me outstanding first impressions. If my scale goes below "above average" I simply won't pay the subscription fee because I've never used those two words in the same sentence when describing the Elder Scrolls. Maybe "above and beyond" and "makes the previous best RPGs look average", but never together.
I won't miss that £60 considering I'm buying a PS4 near it's release and they cost about £350 at the least, but I will notice the £8.99 taken from my wallet each month especially if I don't enjoy my experiences. So yes, I've preordered but I won't be charged until the week before release so I've plenty of time to decide if this is going to be one of my worse investments.
That's exactly how I feel Ravenlocke. Something earlier convinced me the game would be really polished and playable from the start but then with the latest negative reviews have given me second thoughts now. You know even though I totally love the Elder Scrolls games and will always remember the magical feeling playing Daggerfall gave me for the first time, there is a point where you just say: thanks but no thanks. Again I go back to the sub, if no sub fine I would have no problems but now with sub I feel like my money is in an egg-timer so I want to get the most out of it. I'm even cancelling my Lovefilm account to pay the sub. People say "it's only 8.99", yeah but I have a lot of those 8.99 monthly things and it's beginning to add up.
I was not going to buy this game until i played beta.
I buyed it without playing the beta, and I'm happy with it.
I pre-ordered without beta play. I am not too worried about it because from what I see, beta players all enjoy it immensely, and that's just a shell of what is to come!
No one knows, I have friends that will not go the forums, they read nothing about the game beyond the concept, if they like the concept they buy, I think might not be a bad thing, they are not swayed one way or the other by reviews or others opnions.. They seem to have a blast in the game, not knowing how much whining and crying might be going on in the forums,,
I bought the Digital Imperial edition, and glad I did not worried about my purchase, as I do not see it as an investment, but somethign fun to do, and it it turns out other wise oh well /shrug
I preordered before beta testing. If i hadn't done so before, I absolutely would have by now.
I attempted to pre-order but the transaction was bugged. Got into beta and I'm definitely pre-ordering. As long as you go into it expecting it to play like an MMO and not TES:VI, it is quite enjoyable.