CTD Has Me Stuck... AGAIN!

Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:23 pm

I am having frustrating troubles with Crash To Desktop (CTD).

For the second time in my current playthrough, I have reached a point where I can NOT continue on.

The first time was getting Sanguine Rose in Misty Grove. After my conversation with Sanguine, I would CTD. I "fixed" this by re-installing Skyrim and ALL of my mods.

Now, I'm in The Reeking Cave (after the Thalmor Embassy massacre) and can NOT exit. I am NOT looking forward to re-installing everything again, as who knows when I'll have to do this again after this second time? I have saved all over the place in the Embassy, so reloading is no trouble. I can go BACK into the embassy (indoor) from the Reeking Cave, but when I try to exit to an outside zone (like the courtyard by Elenwen's Solar or out of The Reeking Cave), I CTD. I have tried moving to cells, but am not getting anywehere there, either. The console seems to accept my commands, but does nothing to move me using the "coc" command (tried to moving to the Haafingar Stoamcloak Camp).

Here is my http://i.imgur.com/cOI47to.png. I am using ENB. BOSS shows no troubles, except for the few "clean up these mods" messages. Since I am NOT a modder, I don't want to try to "clean anything up." I have found MANY mod instructions assume players know what they are doing and are quite lacking in detailed instructions for us dummies.

Anyway, anyone see anything strange or out of the ordinary? Any suggestions short of "re-install?" Thanks for your time :smile:

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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:56 am

Possibly a corrupt save? Not sure what else it could be. Your load order looks okay.

But good luck getting a more educated response to this than mine. I'm having CTDs too, made another topic and nothing. it's a crapshoot whether or not someone helps you here.

Sad. But sorry I couldn't be of more assistance, I'm not terribly familiar with the innards of Skyrim. I hope someone knowledgeable is able to help us both. :dry:

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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:03 pm

I see you have SkyUI, so you have SKSE, so I recommend downloading and installing http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50471/? (a SKSE plugin). It'll log some stats on your memory usage, so just fire up your game, play to the point you CTD, then go check the log (it'll be in Skyrim\Data\SKSE\plugins\MemoryBlocksLog.log). If you're having a memory issue, this plugin will help you find it.

It's one possible cause of a CTD, but a fairly easy one to test, should only take about 5 minutes to see if it's the cause of your CTD (and if it is, there's a pretty easy fix as well).
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:44 am

Your Unofficial mods are in the wrong places. Are you using very old versions?

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Adam Kriner
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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:29 am


I cannot see you installed the "Unofficial Hi-Res Patch". It is like USKP for the Bethesda HiRes Textures. I recommend installing this anyway. Not sure if this is your problem (in fact I doubt it is).

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Allison C
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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:08 am

It could be a corrupt save. I don't know. I could try to do The Embassy all over again...

I will give this a go, for I do have a memory problem of some kind. The longer I play, my sound goes wonky, then my FPS goes WAY down (often less then 5), and then CTDs happen. I usually end up quitting and starting again to fix those troubles.

I have had them after each .esm file and there really is not a huge difference. I'll give it a go, though.

I'm using RealVision ENB, so those Hi-Res patches are not used. Thanks for the suggestion, though :)

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