So, as many of the previews have described, grouping seems not to work too well in ESO. I am hoping it is just buggy and broken and NOT that they intend it to work this way because it sounds awful.
Players will phase out from one another if they are on a different leg of a quest, objectives have to be performed by each group-member individually instead of as a group, etc.
So I posted a poll to see what people thought about some of these game elements that have come to light since Friday.
Personally, I hope this gets fixed before launch because it seems like being in a group would be more of a hassle than not. I am here to play TES with friends not in spite of them.
A good example of this I saw was from this video: at about 6:30 they talk about an objective that they should be grouped on but they all have to each do it themselves.
What are your thoughts on phasing systems and how they work, or should work?