[RELz] Unofficial Dawnguard Patch - Thread #5

Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:18 pm

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Version: 2.0.1
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team


Requires Skyrim version or greater, and the official Dawnguard DLC.


This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Skyrim. If you're experiencing a bug with Skyrim, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/tracdown/categories/12-unofficial-skyrim-patch/. Use the "Dawnguard DLC" version tag to mark Dawnguard issues with. Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. There are conglomerate entries for object placement (if it doesn't affect gameplay), text errors, and inappropriate dialog (again, that doesn't affect quests or other gameplay) so please use those entries if that's what you're reporting. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Skyrim bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Skyrim experience!

(Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted)


I've seen something called the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon)? What is this? Do I need it? Is it safe?

The mod known as the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon) is not an approved extension and does not have the support of the Unofficial Patch Project. It's author has decided to make some deeply subjective design changes to the game and has chosen to market in such a way as to make it seem as though our project approves of its existence. We do not. This mod is not only full of subjective game design changes but also contains poorly implemented replacements for several fixes we've already made that in turn generate conflicts in the game and can even lead to save game corruption.

We have on several occasions attempted to contact the author, who has contributed fixes directly into the patches before and has ALSO provided Italian translations. He refused to address the issue, in fact refused to acknowledge our concerns at all and has continued to operate as though nothing is wrong.

You are strongly advised NOT to use this mod as it will be damaging to your game. We will NOT provide support to anyone who is using it in their games.

We will rescind this warning if and ONLY if these issues are resolved. http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3719-the-skyrim-misc-patches-collection-aka-uskp-addon/

Previous Threads: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1408107. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1413624, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1431075, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1448682

Version: 2.0.1

UDGP Fixes
  • The additional loading screen for enhanced crossbows should have been pointed to the existing LoadScreenCrossbow01 static instead of 1stPersonCrossbow because 1stPersonCrossbow animates, causing the loading screen to do the same. (Bug #14207)

Game Mechanics Fixes
  • Durnehviir is supposed to get a stats and ablities boost prior to his fight but because he's a persistent reference his OnInit() function runs when Dawnguard is first activated, which can mean he's nerfed entirely if it's activated on a player below level 20. His OnInit() block will now be explicitly called when he is enabled at the moment of the fight in the Soul Cairn. (Bug #14243)
  • The Aetherial Shield bashing spell did not provide the 15 seconds duration that is described on its effects. (Bug #13903)
  • The castle mesh in the Volkihar Courtyard (CasixtMainTowerCourtyard01) needs the "Never Fades" flag set in order to keep it from fading out when the object view distance is short. (Bug #10371)
  • Magic effects for the Rings of Blood Magic (DLC1nVampireEnhancements) were being enabled for Lord Harkon in addition to the player even though these rings are only supposed to work for the player. (Bug #14244)
  • Harkon's gargoyle summoning was erroneously tied in to the player's bonus summoing provided by the Amulet of the Gargoyle. Harkon's spell will now summon the version that was created for him, which will in turn not inherit the script from the amulet version so that Harkon will not end up summoning two gargoyles, one of which is actually hostile to him. (Bug #14244)
  • The DLC1BatsEffect used for when the player used the bat travel form did not have the imagespace modifier property set. (Bug #13705)
  • Magic effect DLC1ReanimateFFAimed25 needed the GameDaysPassed and WICastNonHostileTimer properties set. (Bug #13701)
  • Magic effect DLC1VampireChangeFXEffect erroneously had the DLC1VampireChangeStagger property set to a none instead of the proper value. (Bug #13704)
  • DLC1RadiantVampireBanditNecroAllys was not set to ally with the factions the name implies, which could lead to battle royales in certain radiant dungeons and lead to possible death of rescue targets before the player has any chance to reach them. (Bug #14542)
  • DLC1CrystalAbsorbHealthConcAimed, DLC1CrystalAbsorbHealthConcAimedVisualFX, DLC1CrystalDamageHealRateConcAimed, and DLC1CrystalSlowConcAimed all had invald properties still assigned in the ESM file that do not exist on the script. (Bug #14712)

Item Fixes
  • Trap activator DLC1TrapCrossbow did not have the "wind up" sound attached which resulted in errors sent to the log. (Bug #14449)
  • The Dawnguard Runehammer was missing the property to activate the Dawnguard items perk. (Bug #14617) [NR]
  • Exploding crossbow bolts were still recoverable after being fired. (Bug #5038)
  • Activator object DLC01SoulCairnActivateLinkOnSpellHit had an erroneously attached script intended for actors. (Bug #14711)

Quest Fixes
  • During Prophet (DLC1VQ03Hunter or DLC1VQ03Vampire) it was possible for Dexion to escape the barrier prematurely and become permanently hostile to the player if he had. This was due to his alias in both quests not placing him in the dunPrisonerFaction to keep him friendly with everyone. It was also possible for his bleedout event script to run before it was ready which would block it from running again at the right time and leave him permanently stuck on the ground. (Bug #14522)
  • Serana's dismissal dialogue would indicate she's returning to places she shouldn't be going to anymore once the quests were complete due to incomplete condition checks on the quest stages. (Bug #14034)
  • Lost to the Ages (DLC1LD) would not start if the player had visted Mzulft or Deepfolk Crossing prior to reading The Aetherium Wars. Two corpses placed at these locations were added but they were not considered optional for the quest aliases and once they "rotted" this blocked the quest from starting. (Bug #14130)
  • "Hide and Seek" (DLC1RH01) could not set the crime faction for the target because the alias property was not set. (Bug #14431)
  • Three dialogue responses in DLC1RadiantDisguised needed to have properties cleared that were no longer on the scripts. (Bug #14570)
  • In Vampire Assassin (DLC1_WESC04) the alias holding the assassin's write should have had a script attached to advance the stage if read while the quest was running. Instead, the base object had this script and if the writ was read after the quest shut down it would do nothing but error out. (Bug #13951)
  • During Bloodline (DLC1VQ02), when Harkon is explaining his gift to the player, Imperial vampires are not recognized due to a missing condition check. These conditions have been replaced with checks that instead use the "Vampire" keyword. As a bonus, this should now make Harkon recognize properly configured vampires for custom races as well. (Bug #14547)

Script Fixes
  • DLC1_QF_DLC1_WESC03_010034D0 was trying to disable and delete 9 aliases which are never used in the quest. (Bug #13768)
  • DLC1nVampireNecklaceGargoyleSCRIPT does not delete the gargoyle ref that was generated with a PlaceAtMe call, leading to minor save bloat. The script also does not check to make sure the spawned gargoyle exists before attempting to disable it in the OnUnload block - which ALSO does not delete the placed ref. (Bug #14320)
  • DLC1HunterBaseIntroDoorAliasScript did not validate Serana's alias before trying to move her into position. (Bug #14319)
  • DLC1VLCrimeScript was attempting to do an illegal upcast from ObjectReference to Actor to then check if the PLAYER should be attacked for assaulting a Volkihar vampire while in Vampire Lord form. (Bug #14265)
  • DLC1VQ01PuzzleBrazierScript did not validate the flameSoundInstanceID value before trying to stop it. (Bug #14259)
  • DLC1VampireTurnScript did not verify that the actor it is turning is in a valid location before checking if the player is in the same place. (Bug #14056)
  • DLC01WESC04Script was attempting to set stage 110 twice because OnUnload() and OnCellDetach() will both be run when the object unloads. (Bug #13950)
  • DLC1_QF_DLC1WEJS06_010127F0 was attempting to start combat on pairs of spiders which were not enabled. (Bug #13949)
  • DLC1_QF_DLC1VQ01COPY0000_01002F65 was attempting to stop combat on an invalid reference due to the script using the wrong property. The property was also declared as the wrong type. (Bug #13703)
  • DLC1VQ03BarrierPylonScript was manipulating a sound instance variable that was not being used correctly. (Bug #14521)
  • DLC01WESC09Script did not sanity check the alias before trying to evaluate his package. Script also had no safeguard against the 3D being unloaded in an infinite loop. (Bug #14512)
  • DLC1WordWallTriggerScript needed the += 1 shoutglobal fix that was added to the vanilla version for the USKP.
  • DLC1VQ04StartTriggerScript did not disable the trigger once used and it would attempt to run again every time the player passed through. (Bug #14246)
  • DLC1WEDB02AliasScript01 is unnecessarily redundant and can lead to errors when called. Both statements have been disabled. (Bug #14227)
  • DLC1FXDeathHoundSCRIPT needed a short delay before trying to start playing the visual shader so that the 3D could finish loading. (Bug #13940)

Animation Fixes
  • Arch-Curate Vyrthur has a special idle animation he's supposed to use while seated in his chair in the chantry but it would not play due to an invalid condition check.
  • Serana has several idles under RomanticFollowerRoot that should not play if a shield or torch is equipped. The conditions checks did not verify that her right hand was free of these in addition to her left. (Bug #14059)

NIF Mesh and Texture Fixes
  • Dragonbone greatswords had a seam visible in the 1st person view. (meshes\dlc01\weapons\dragonbone\greatsword.nif, textures\dlc01\weapons\dragonbone\claymore2.dds, textures\dlc01\weapons\dragonbone\claymore2_m.dds, textures\dlc01\weapons\dragonbone\claymore2_n.dds) (Bug #13869)

Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
  • 020168fe: Word wall trigger for Arcwind Point needed to extend its radius because the 3 symbols were visble while approaching. (Bug #14147)
  • 0200c747, 0200c74e, 0200B119, 0200c7a7, 020081b8, 0200c75b, 0200ba99: Grounded several floating objects. (Bug #13845)
  • 0200ba76: Clam buried by a rock. (Bug #13845)
  • 0201a524: Boat sitting too low in the water. (Bug #13845)
  • 02004240: Trigger with incorrect script attached to run a scene. (Bug #14451)
  • 0200B279: Pressure plate that was missing its sound property. (Bug #14450) [NR]
  • 02016592, 02016591: Triggers linked to incorrect objects for playing back a sound. (Bug #14511)
  • 0201957d: Journal sunken into a barrel. (Bug #14527)
  • 020168b2: Chest stuck behind wall collision. (Bug #14507)
  • 02013B4E: Light source incorrectly tied to an enable parent. (Bug #14257)
  • 001059EA: Random creature spawner that the DLC replaced with a dead NPC but shouldn't have. (Bug #14669)
  • 020169EB, 02016A19, 02016A12, 020169FC, 020055EA, 02016A38, 02016A25: NPCs acting as proxy casters for the Ideal Master crystals that were not linked to the light sources they should have been. (Bug #14715)

The complete changelog is http://www.iguanadons.net/Unofficial%20Dawnguard%20Patch%20Version%20History.html.

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Matt Bee
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Post » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:06 pm

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