[REQ]UV mapping little part of model

Post » Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:44 am


I recently found nice replacer for Imperial legion badge(which looks like dwemer coin in original mod) in Better Item Suite. The problem is that there is huge texture mapped to small part of the model(it is texture for about 30 models together). The only parts mapped to this huge texture are string and loop. And as I have no skill with NifScope, I thought I would ask if someone here would try to change the texture and adjust UV if necessarry.

Here is pic of the model:


If you are interested, write here and I will send you the model.

Thanks :)

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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:58 am

Oooo, now that is purty. I've been using http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/Imperial_Legion_Badge_icon_and_ground_mesh;116210 by SpiritedTreasure but that looks... shiny.

[Edit: Er. Nothing useful to contribute here. Move along :blush:]
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:39 am

This should be very simple for you to do. If you'd like to learn (ask anyone who I've talked to about Nifskope, I prefer to teach rather than do it for you :D). There are several ways to fix the issue.

The simplest is probably to just downsize the texture they reference, unless you plan to use that texture on something else.

But the better way to do it would be to downsize the texture and save it as a new file (judging by what I can see, that texture hardly even needs to be 32x32 :tongue:). Then you can change the texture reference path for those parts of the mesh by expanding the NiTriShapes and clicking on the flower icon. You can then edit the UV by right-clicking the NiTriShape and selecting Texture->Edit UV or something like that. That'll open a new window where you can manipulate the UV (right-click on the window for commands or just drag vertices around). But you probably won't need to edit the UV if you downsize the texture.

There's a lot of interesting pieces in his suite. They can often be a bit too... shiny. But some are very cool regardless.

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Jack Bryan
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