I know you have some confessions regarding your CW choice, so let's hear them.
I went with the Stormcloaks but I like Balgruuf over Vignar, and some other pre-CW jarls.
I know you have some confessions regarding your CW choice, so let's hear them.
I went with the Stormcloaks but I like Balgruuf over Vignar, and some other pre-CW jarls.
I used to respect Balgruuf. Until it came time to defend the city and he chose imperials to fight by his side instead of his own nord brothers. He is a coward...
I was tempted once after slaying imperials when getting the crown, to parade it through Solitude and then give it to Ulfric in Windhelm.
My forsworn play through opened my eyes to many issues that make me wonder if the stormcloaks really are the bad guys. Of course my forsworn girl killed Ulfric and never again used the weapons stained with his blood.
My first character ever killed Ulfric. only because I followed Hadvar out of Helgen and followed the quest prompts. Join the legion he said... Go see the world he said.
When playing a dragonborn character, I do Season Unending and screw over the side I support, just so I can go take it all back through conflict heh.
I really enjoy making Balgruuf take a Knee, but I wish there was a way to keep Rikke alive in a Stormcloak playthrough.
I dislike many of the Stormcloak aligned Jarls, and I wish Our characters could keep some of the Imperial choices (Dawnstar and Morthal).
Maven always is allowed to remain in Riften, no matter which side a Player chooses.
I do not like killing Skooma Dealers in Riften if Maven is Jarl.
I like to get Stormcloak Officer Armor from Thalmor Agents.
I follow Ralof just to kill the Imperial Captain.
I wish the Stormcloaks would be more specific as to which elves they are referring to when talking about their cause, instead of just saying "elves" as that could lead people to misinterpreting it for racism or xenophobia against all mer instead of the Stormcloaks just hating on the Thalmor.
Skald is an idiot...
Since I play both factions on separate saves:
Ulfius the Stormcloak still waxes nostalgic over his days as a Legionnaire, and carries the Imperial sword he took from Helgen, the same type of sword he used in the Legion. Sometimes, he also wears an Imperial helmet, also of the same type he wore as a Legionnaire; many former Legionnaires amongst the Stormcloaks understand and honor his choices (well, one would imagine). He refused to kill General Tullius at the end of the battle for Solitude, and placed an amulet of Talos on Tullius' body.
Ulfius the Legionnaire wears an amulet of Talos under his armor, despite this being forbidden by current Legion protocol (again, one would imagine). He refused to kill Ulfric Stormcloak after the battle for Windhelm, and placed an amulet of Talos on Ulfric's body.
In either case, Ulfius only fought because he loved what he was fighting for, never because he hated what he was fighting against. The only thing he hated was the Thalmor, and on either save he understood he was helping an enemy of the Thalmor by ending the Civil War.
True to Caesar...Oh..wrong legion.
As a stormcloak/legion guy (I actually like an dislike both sides) I've got at least one confession.
I couldn't help the feeling that I was doing the thalmor's work while doing both sides of the quest line.
I mean, stormcloak's, Imperials, They aren't the true enemy..It's those damn thalmor and they take no loses during this civil war..
As the player, at one point I actually felt sorry for killing Ulfric. Now it's just "meh, get in the soul gem you rear-end-in-a-top-hat. 'Kay Tullius, you're on your own. Unless the next guy to take up the rebellion annoys me, I'm done here."
It has never not been fun to butcher Galmar, though.
He ends up in Sovngarde irregardless.
Anyway, as a Nord Stormcloak:
He does. He can also be soul trapped again, just like everyone else there.
Really? My game must be bugged to hell, then. I'm on the 360, so I can't really change much.