The Smack Down

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:21 pm

I got to say, that I can't believe nobody found my initial post humorous - talk about tough crowd!
A crowd that's heard it all before, hundreds of times, often from people who aren't "joking".

Some of you IMO are taking your work way too seriously! The reaction I am getting, one would think I bashed mod makers when in fact I gave praise countless times in the initial post.

Praise given to cover your ass while you complain. The longwinded version of "no offense meant, but....."

Looking at some of the responses - I got people increasing fonts to gargantuan sizes, all capitals etc - talk about a need to take a chill pill already.
Don't provoke and then complain about the reaction.

I made valid points, IF you want to dismiss them then fine. I am 100% confident that if I were to ask any other shmoe like myself they would feel exactly the same way.
I doubt this highly. Unless you are only counting shmoe's EXACTLY like you you. Most shmoe's that you see posting in this forum are appreciative of the help they get, understanding of the limits of the art and often willing to learn. Many of them end up releasing their own mods eventually.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:01 am

(points to Jasmer's post) See, we aren't all nasty, elitist angry modders. :P Ask nicely and we'll give all the help you need. Some, like Jasmer, will continue trying to help long after the rest of us are shaking our heads ruefully. Though perhaps that's because we're jaded (even though I haven't been here long). :shrug:

In fact I don't think any of us really are, there is a certain learning curve that comes with modding...
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:52 pm

(points to Jasmer's post) See, we aren't all nasty, elitist angry modders. :P Ask nicely and we'll give all the help you need. Some, like Jasmer, will continue trying to help long after the rest of us are shaking our heads ruefully. Though perhaps that's because we're jaded (even though I haven't been here long). :shrug:

I'm extremely jaded, but I also have a very high amount of patience and understanding for frustration. I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt and assume that a normally relatively stable person has just been bested by FCOM and is reacting accordingly.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 am

I'm still waiting on the solutions! I need a good laugh!
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:52 pm

I'm still waiting on the solutions! I need a good laugh!

He's already stated he's done with this thread for now. Stop throwing gasoline on the coals, please.
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michael danso
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 am

I'm extremely jaded, but I also have a very high amount of patience and understanding for frustration. I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt and assume that a normally relatively stable person has just been bested by FCOM and is reacting accordingly.

Threats and insults are not 'acting accordingly' and cannot be condoned by failure to install FCOM.

Sorry, but I think the people here have a right to get 'ruffled' here after the obvious and continued veiled insults. No one has acted inappropriately or rudely other then the OP.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:07 am

1. Vast amount of authors independant from each other. Some dead, some missing, most unwilling.
-Whoever is dead, unwilling or missing then do not include them.

2. Information to be conveyed about the mods included, with no detail ommitted.
-I do not understand this point. Please clarify.

3. Legal rights to resources.
-IF the creator owns these rights and refuses to release then don't include his work. Simple.

4. Inability to teach new mod users the fine points of the art.
-This is not about teaching but rather making mods more easily accessible to the masses. That is my point anyway.

5. Reduced mod user to mod maker conversion ratio.

6. Loss of ingenuity and innovation.

7. Distribution.
-package into smaller files. Problem solved.

8. Rights to creation.
-relates to point #1, moot issue, simply do not include anyone who does not give up rights.

9. Hardware differences.
-very good point, and there should be a few versions of the download to address people with slower computers.

10. Differing ideals and points of view.
-another very good point. this would require compromise, open mindedness etc but it can be done.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:00 pm

Time for a lock then? This thread seems to have burned out.

Just in case: In b4 lok! :P
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:00 am

3. Legal rights to resources.
-IF the creator owns these rights and refuses to release then don't include his work. Simple.

So that leaves....erm...your mods?

7. Distribution.
-package into smaller files. Problem solved.

You do realize that you will need to learn to install those smaller files?

8. Rights to creation.
-relates to point #1, moot issue, simply do not include anyone who does not give up rights.

So that leaves....erm...your mods?

9. Hardware differences.
-very good point, and there should be a few versions of the download to address people with slower computers.

Cannot be done, you either can or cannot run certain mods, period.

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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:49 am

Ray007, I think you are just trying to jump into using mods too fast,

I can undertand your frustation, but, not every mod is made the same.

MMM for example is not easy to install because. it has so many options and always being updated. Has I am always trying to improve it make it better for Everyone.

If where not for some people helping me, then it would be even that more difficult to install.

TheNiceOne MMM Omod installer is a good exmaple of what the community can do to help people. is easy to use if you follow the directions that are posted.

If you do not feel like reading then you will be lost when it comes to Larger Mods.

FCOM is even more difficult to install. amd reqiires patience has well.

I myself have been around the forum since 06, and modding that long has well , my patience is wearning thin nowdays. I have tried to layout documentation has needed that even newbie's can understand, but, even then there are still question's.

Learning how to use mods etc is not something that you can do over night. It takes time to learn how to do it. Alot of Reading has well, if you plan on using alot of mods together.

Now I have stated what I wanted to state.

Can I request a lock...Has Ray0007 comments on first page are most likely directed toward me and my comments that I made in MMM thread to him...

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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:44 am

Closed so I can review...

Surprise... I am not going to bother to re-open this.

I am not a modder, but I sure have benefited for years, with a wide range of mods. It took me a long time to decide to use some of the more complicated utilities and mods, but I read up on what I needed to do, asked advice of the very helpful members here, and messed around. I have been respectful of the effort that goes into making a mod, and in turn, have been treated respectfully when I sought help. I also did not dump a slew of mods in and expect someone else to sort it out for me. If you're a player that wants to add mods to your game, then it's your responsibility to manage them. Period. That includes reading up on them for install and conflict instructions and making an effort to understand a load order and what the different types of mods do.

As for compilation packs... given the threads here and in the MW section when that issue rears it's head, I'd love to just ban the subject. They don't give me that much power though. <_< Suffice it to say that if you want to mod your game, then carefully add the mods you want to use. If you can't be bothered to do that, or if you have no patience, then modding your game is not for you.
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