Bucket on Vex's Head?

Post » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:42 am

So I was in the Ragged Flaggon, when I decided to steal a bucket that was right behind Vex. I did this as she was explaining "Let's get one thing straight!" (Pre-Goldenglow Estate completion) Then Durge the Smelly told me "You could have just asked...". I then thought 'It is probably his and stinks like he does!'. I then opened the character menu, went to items,and pressed O. I had the bucket in the air from pressing x accidently, and dropped it. For some reason it glitched onto Vex's head, but with her neck through the bottom (like a dog's cone from vet). I have never had this happen, and I have a pretty recent update. Just thought I'd share it. It was on ps3, so I don't have a picture of it.

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Add Meeh
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Post » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:54 pm

I'm guessing you haven't tried this with the shopkeepers? XD It was one of the first things everyone tried, lots of parody videos on it.

Is the bucket permanently attatched to her head?


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Connor Wing
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