I've switched to Imp's More Complex Needs this play through and I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I'm using the Simple preset and also English/Realistic notifications as I'd like it to work as natural as possible, i.e. don't have to count calories etc. The issue is that it doesn't seem to work, although I guess there's something on my part. I can get the notification: You are fed, hydrated and rested, but when checking the active effects my char is both Hungry and Thirsty nevertheless. OK, so my char eats something more (say bread) - and then it suddenly says that my char has eaten too much. So now she both has Thirsty, Hungry and Overfed red active effects. OK, so she drinks not only one Water but three - but she still is Thirsty according to the effects (although the notification says that she's fed, hydrated and rested). In short, it's very confusing as it doesn't seem to matter what my char does.
Also, she gets Drunk for hours just from drinking one beer, which seems a bit ridiculous IMO - and basically means that she only will drink water.
EDIT: Nevermind, I switched back to RND. Can't spend even more time than I've already done on figuring out how to eat and drink in a game.