Yesterday I found a website claiming to list the passives. I can't remember the details but suffice it to say that if you wanted to play a classic sneak/crit nightblade there was really no other choice than khajit.
Now, I know that noone can confirm or deny these numbers on account of our old friend the NDA, but I thought I would open a discussion on whether or not the racial passives need balancing out, should be balanced at all, or if they even matter.
The website claimed the khajit would get 15% crit damage, 3 meters extra sneak-area, and 9% extra damage from sneak, or something like that. More than enough to make it totalle unviable for me to choose the Argonian I was hoping for since he gets... well, swim speed...
Your thoughts?
From Tamriel Foundry:
- Medium Armor Expertise (1 rank) - Increases experience gain with the Medium Armor skill line by 15%.
- Robust (3 ranks) - Increases Health regeneration while in combat by (5/10/15)%.
- Stealthy (3 ranks) – Improve Stealth radius by (1/2/3) meters. Increases damage done while stealthed by (3/6/9)%.
- Carnage (3 ranks) – Increases Critical rating for melee attacks by (1/2/3)% and damage done by successful Critical Hits by (5/10/15)%.