So... I FINALLY managed to make a script that in theory, would remove an NPC from a faction... This time it EVEN compiled unlike my last failed attempt. I had to alter it more than I thought.
Scriptname AlectraRemoveFollower1 extends ReferenceAlias Faction Property PotentialFollowerFaction AutoActor Property NewProperty Auto Function SomeFunction() (GetReference() as Actor).RemoveFromFaction(PotentialFollowerFaction)endFunction
I simply went to properties, the faction was auto filled and seemingly no problem, and then I clicked "add property" made it type Actor, and then selected the potentialfollowerfaction/currentfollowerfaction NPCs in question, but even after drinking the potion that sets off this script, the NPCs still remain friendly, and still remain optional companions, when they are intended to stop being companions, and attack the player for drinking the potion.
Here is a screenshot as well if it helps.
Can someone please help me with this scripting mystery?
Edit: made a slightly updated version of the script still doesn't work.