And why?
Nothing more needs to be said?
Posting would only get you banned?
Or do you never miss an opportunity to improve the lives of others with your wisdom?
And why?
Nothing more needs to be said?
Posting would only get you banned?
Or do you never miss an opportunity to improve the lives of others with your wisdom?
I have to read threads that I have no interest in just to make sure everyone is playing nice, so most of my non posting comes from apathy.
Otherwise, I barge in, offer my opinion (or fact as they are really the same ) and move on.
I read more than I post. Mainly because my opinions don't match many members on here and I get called out on it. Seems, I ruffle a lot of feathers without actually intending to.
Tends to be along the lines of, "Why on Earth would anyone care how often I shower?" Or, "Don't feed the troll".
One of many. Totally didn't mean to cause such a ruckus in there but seems people were a bit too sensitive about others voicing their opinions that didn't match their own. I even found a pretty cool gameplay video of the game that I didn't bother posting because no one wanted me there.
I post when something interests me. Whatever interests me depends on the day so I tend to be a random poster.
Ill skip through the posts and give them a read, and think if what i have to say will more than likely attract unwanted attention i wont post and thats happened more than a few times.
Ha, I know that feel. Be careful where you have an unpopular opinion cause then it's a crime
I guess i don't post about 25% of the time? Usually its when i enter a thread i don't have much interest in or a thread which turns out to be discussing something i don't understand.
It depends, it's why I'm terrible in threads where (usually through me starting them) arguments occur. I'll sometimes be committed to arguing/debating, other times if someone starts posting multiple paragraphs I eventually get bored since I seldom have need to try and match those in length.
In general though, I usually lurk most threads but post in fewer threads than I lurk. Partly out of laziness, partly out of apathy to the thread's content, or in some specific user's cases, they never post threads worth posting in outside of random spam.
Usually due to possibly getting banned or making no sense at all due to internal talking inside.
I often write a long reply post, walk away from the computer or go check out some other site for a few minutes and then come back and reread what I wrote and decide whether to post it. Nine times out of ten I simply wipe it and move onto something else. Maybe there is something I said that would inadvertantly stir things up or I can see people shouting 'proof, proof!' or getting far too engaged in what I wrote and I just cannot be bothered with getting too involved.
I rarely post, I prefer to read the opinions of others. Another reason why I don't post is because I can't think of anything interesting enough to warrant posting. My personal standards may be a bit too high.