Background: What is Piratelords Loot Adjustments? (PLA)
PLA brings back the Morrowind feel for looting, with all containers being lootable, and much more random and more variety in loot, makes no two games the same.
I'm planning an update to this mod, with so far the below changes/tweaks. As usual, feedback welcome and considered.
* Change the new coin meshes to alternative resources - current ones do cause problems for some players
* Minor tweaks/balances to lists
* Review the Crystal Balls
* Make an Alternative version that only affects lists, no new containers
* Make an Hard Mode version that reduces the amount of loot/clutter found
Possibly I might also implement some of the loot/equipment changes to NPCs which were part of my abandoned Beasts of Skyrim mod, or I might remove some of the content and release a separate ESP that tweaks NPCs. Not sure yet on that one.