Preventing mobs from hearing your actions at longe range

Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:49 am


First, I'm sorry if this has been answered already, or if the answer is obvious, but I couldn't easily find the answer.

The problem I'm having is that enemies in my dungeon can hear the player's actions from too far away, and suddenly half the dungeon has aggroed. It may be because I have designed the dungeon badly, as in two rooms are directly above each other, but quite far away in walking distance. Realistically, enemies in the lower room shouldn't be able to hear what is going on in the upper room, but apparently they do. I've uploaded a picture of the mentioned area The marked area on the right is one floor above the marked area on the left, and you have to follow the blue line to actually walk to the lower area. I've tried toying around with the aggro range in the AI Data tab of the actors, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Does anyone have any tips to how I could fix this?

I also have another instance where the same problem comes into play. A necromancer is working an alchemy table in a hidden room, but is not supposed to be aware of the player until the player enters the necromancer's secret room. Sadly, the mob can hear the player from quite far away and comes charging out of his room, making his secret room notifiably less secret to the player.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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