I'd burn the place to the ground.
Only half-kidding.
Bed bugs have nothing to do with how clean or dirty someone is. They don't like dirt, they like blood and clutter.
As for how to get rid of em...Good luck, buy some insecticide cause if they are in your sofa there is a good chance that there on your bed or in any carpet or in your bookshelf.
My pop had them and he had to buy a new bed, change all the carpet in his house and still sprays insecticide all around the house.
PS. Bed bugs are a [censored] to get rid of.
Organic solution-Neem oil. Chemical warfare solutions-various. I'd go with the neem oil. Whatever you choose for active ingredient, you want to go with a fogger delivery system. Do every room in your apartment, because if you've noticed them in two pieces of furniture they are in all the others too, as well as the carpets.
You still need to do the whole apartment, all at one time. The reason they are notoriously hard to get rid of is that people take piecemeal approaches...kill them in one room and within 24 hours they will be back, having moved from the other room. There won't necessarily be enough of them to notice right away, but they will be there.
Like Tim stated and a few other posters stated.
Also other apartments might need to be checked out as well as the complex since they could be on the carpets on the hallways and such.
Drug fiends have fleas and yup, like you said, bed bugs >_>.
I'd recommend checking out home depot for that insecticide I mentioned. It kills the [censored]ers quickly AND gets rid of any eggs they may have put around.
Good point...I wasn't associating apartments with carpeted halls (warm climate guy and apartments have direct outdoor access in my mind)...but if you have a welcome mat bring it in when you blast off the foggers. It's also good to coordinate with neighbors/management and have everyone do it at the same time.
Oh, hey, another thing...do not trust the volume claimed on the foggers. If it says it will do a two hundred square foot room, figure one for every 150 sq ft in your place.
As others have said, you should probably get building management involved. If any are allowed to survive they're likely to just breed and re-infest.
bomb them with relentlessly with the best stuff you can find. You can also spread Borax everywhere like your carpet for added help against new ones crawling in.