Well, for some reason i can't log in, It says that my login is incorrect, and when i try to log in site, it says that its correct, I need to preorder Elder scrolls online or something? or...
I'll appriciate the support ^ ^ thanks.
Well, for some reason i can't log in, It says that my login is incorrect, and when i try to log in site, it says that its correct, I need to preorder Elder scrolls online or something? or...
I'll appriciate the support ^ ^ thanks.
There is no support available at this forum, you need to access the help available at the games official site, sorry.
Beta shut down a couple of days ago, so nobody can log it. Same goes for the beta forums.
Oh alright ^ ^ Thank you, now i see the big picture
Check the http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1487438-eso-support-and-general-beta-info-last-updated-feb-9/ for links to Support if you need them
But as mentioned, the beta is not active right now, and the beta forums are closed when there is no beta.