Picked up the Staff of Magnus and entered Shalidor's Maze (just to knock out all the stuff in the same area) and for some reasonthe walls, floors and ceilings are mostly gone. I can see critters on the other side of the maze but they (at least for now) don'tseem to be able to see me. If I walk towards some, I fall to the next lower floor - if there is one - or to my death if there isn't.I don't see this listed as one of the few bugs in the zone. Anyone have an idea how to reset the zone? Or even seen this before?Oh, just in case it means anything, before entering the map showed that I had already cleared the zone, even tho I was unable to fast travel to reach Labyrinthian. After seeing bugged out floors & walls, I returned to the college - just in case that quest &the staff were the problem. Entering the maze again, it still seems like some skooma dream.