You're favorite area to reside or explore in Skyrim? Mine is Alftand/Balckreach it's dungeons like this that make memories on games, I absolutely love exploring it, it reminds me of the Deep Roads on DA:O but I don't know why?
You're favorite area to reside or explore in Skyrim? Mine is Alftand/Balckreach it's dungeons like this that make memories on games, I absolutely love exploring it, it reminds me of the Deep Roads on DA:O but I don't know why?
I can't really leave my tomb since my spirit is bound to the tomb. Before I was bound, I enjoyed long walks on the beach of Solstheim and visitng my dear friend, Hevnoraak. The Reach did interest me though.
Zu'u ahk med bronen rignivon, veyn haar do wuth sar! (I also like nordic ruins, Where the priests of old lay waiting)
I like Falkreeth, the rift and the vale to much to choose only one.
Hi sizaan tol drehni ru..
I also like the giants grove. The place is pretty big.
The Reach, amazing scenery, lots of interesting forsworn camps, and the high leap from the waterfall into the small pond below is always fun. I believe the location is Bards Leap Summit.
The Tundra, only in the day though. Hard to see much at night :\
Solstheim for me. No place like home.
On mainland Skyrim, it's the Reach. That place has some jaw-dropping views.
Have to agree that Solstheim would be my favorite. In Skyrim, it would be the ice of the northern coast in Winterhold.
The Reach. Amazing scenery and beautiful clear river streams. It used to be the most holy of places too, until... Well, you know...
Solstheim is pleasant too, but I personally detest the ash. Always dirtying my fine mask.
Yes, I loved exploring the Blackreach and finding the 30 crimson Nirnroot to complete Sinderion's research. I don't quite see why it reminds you of the Deep Roads in Dragon Age: Origins lol. I did not like the Deep Roads in Dragon Age.
My favorite area used to be Whiterun hold and its capital city, Whiterun. The town of Whiterun just seems like a close-knit community of wonderful NPCs. There is hardly anything negative to say about Whiterun, save for the annoying street preacher. Recently, however, I've taken to liking the town of Riften. I purchased the Honeyside dwelling from Jarl Black-Briar's steward. I also adopted Lucia from the streets of Whiterun and she is staying at my new home in Riften. I have yet to find a wife.
Yes, I enjoy a nice run through a Nordic ruin. The Draugr are kind of fun to kill. There is usually something very valuable in every Nordic ruin.
Solstheim is a very interesting place. Indeed, it is nice to be back in Morrowind, with the Morrowind vegetation, music, culture, and bestiary.
Skuldafn. Lots of dragons and stuff to kill, warrior heaven.