Dark Souls save, switch profiles?

Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:26 am

Hey all, first off, I know this would probably be better off in a Dark Souls forum, but I know everybody here on gamesas's forums are amazing and nice :P (And lately I've been finding nothing but garbage forums >_> )

So on to my question!

Is it possible to switch a Dark Souls save game from an offline profile to an online (gamertag) one?

The thing is, when I first got into DS, my friend said I needed to go through it with no spoilers, and no looking things up! He also said that "Other players can invade your game and kill you at any time!!!!"... I was pretty terrified of this, so I made an offline profile for the game. I played through once, beat the game, and now I would like to take my character online... But my Games For Windows Live profile won't let the saves switch. The save games were easy enough to find; Documents->User->nbgi->Dark Souls-> profile name.

The problem is, I can't just drag and drop my save from the offline profile to the online one.

Do know that I did actually purchase the game. I've looked around for this online, and there's a lot of talk about pirated copies, and some people getting crap for it. Knowing how good this community is, I doubt I need to, but if need be I can give proof that I own the game on steam.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:07 pm

There is literally a Dark Souls thread on the first page right now... http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1487219-dark-souls-discussion-thread-28/

As for your question, nope. I am fairly confident this cannot be done without hacks. The online portion of the game is the reason you cannot do this. You could have played offline, on a profile that can go online and had it be ready to use there. But switching profiles of any sort is generally a no go. I could be wrong though.

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