Enable items script compiles but doesn't function.

Post » Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:58 am

Scriptname ALectraPotionSpawnsNoteScript extends ObjectReferenceObjectReference Property ObjectRef AutoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)ObjectRef.enable()EndEvent

Here is the script in question, I'm using a nearly identical script for the vampirism causing blood potion which causes the cure vampirism potion which is initially disabled to spawn, so you know, the player can't drink the cure vampirism potion until they've drank the actual vampirism causing potion, it's also important for advancing the story plot in my heavily scripted yet technically questless mod. Only difference is one activates the cure potion, and the cure potion enables an initially disabled in game paper note the player comes across later.

Here is the puzzling thing... I have a nearly identical script for enabling, and disabling actors.

Scriptname ALectraExVampireBetrayalScript extends ActiveMagicEffectActor Property ActorRef AutoActor Property QuarraApprentice  AutoActor Property AundaeLeaderThrall AutoActor Property AundaeApprentice AutoActor Property BerneLeaderBrother AutoActor Property BerneApprentice AutoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)ActorRef.enable()QuarraApprentice.enable()AundaeLeaderThrall.enable()AundaeApprentice.enable()BerneLeaderBrother.enable()BerneApprentice.enable()EndEvent

I use this, and a similar script, to enable and disable nearly identical actors, with the only difference for some of the actors being, some are hostile to the player and the others are friendly. By doing this I can easily simulate a betrayal, as well as cause enemies, and potential companions who only spawn if the player makes certain decision. All in all a massive improvement for my mod, although I'll have as a warning on top of my mod page, that the player should remove all items from companions my mod creates before they drink the potion.

So anyways... The disable/enable actor scripts are working incredibly well, and they are remarkably simple, one just must replace enable or disable in the respective scripts in question, and this creates all kinds of potential for actions that have consequences.

... Only problem is, I made a nearly identical script, only rather than enabling initially disabled actors or disabling current actors, it's supposed to make an initially disabled object spawn. In other words there are some similarities between the scripts in theory. I even got the enable object script to compile pretty easily, however here is the problem, unlike the initially disabled actors the initially disabled objects do not become enabled.

Can someone please explain why even though the enable objects script is compiled, and even had proporties attached, why it isn't enabling the initially disabled objects?

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