After Skyrim

Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:41 am

What do you think happens after Skyrim? Does Skyrim become it's own independent nation under Ulfric's rule? Do the dragons give up and go into hiding? Do the Dark Brotherhood kill the emperor? Post what you think what/should have ended in the comments! If that's to hard just vote in the poll! Fell free to say things other then what I have said of course!(Weird phrasing much!)
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:44 am


a group of them chill out with Uncle Paarthy. Lots go into hiding and the rest attack cities and stuff and are killed by non-dragonborns.


Mjoll and a few others kill them and Maven is arrested.

He/She becomes Hermaeus Mora's pet.

Dovahkiin says [censored] off to the blades and they apologize for trying to give an order to their master. Paarthy lives and the Blades do too.

Hell No!

The Dovahkiin won't marry anyone.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:44 am

In my version:

1- Ulfric's rebellion is squashed and order is restored by the Empire.

2- Some Dragons raid, other live in peace.

3- The Emperor is dead regardless.

4- IDK, I didn't help them.

5- Who knows? Perhaps he/she now serves Hermaeus Mora.

6- Paarthurnax lives.

7- Volkihar destroyed.

8- The LDB does not marry Lydia.
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:39 am

1. The Empire and Stormcloaks grind each other down then the Thalmor incite the Falmer to start increasing their night time raids.

2. #3

3. Yes

4. Killed off

5. Herma-Mora drags him off for a few thousand years

6. The blades get butthurt that the Dragonborn wouldn't bend over backwards for them and kill Parrthurnax so they go sulk before being killed by the Thalmor.

7. Dawnguard win otherwise TES:6 would be kind of annoying without the sun and even worse magic system then Skyrim.


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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:08 am

* If Skyrim becomes independent, High Rock is cut off from Cyrodiil. Cyrodiil's economy will be reeling from the war and loss of trade. The Thalmor will devour them. So, the Empire is fighting for its continued existence. Also, Ulfric doesn't even have support from all of Windhelm. If the Dragonborn has a brain, he knows that a victory for Ulfric effectively adds Cyrodiil to the Dominion.

* The dragons do massive damage, but are ultimately killed off, except for the ones who follow Paarthurnax's Way of the Voice. The ones that do coexist (albeit uneasily at times) with mankind.

* Since the Dark Brotherhood questline is poorly conceived (they recruit you for exterminating the foulest individual in Skyrim), and since the Dragonborn's not going to kill the Emperor of the Empire he just helped save, my answer is no.

* The Dragonborn dies when the Thalmor invade Skyrim.

* Since relatively few players are willing to kill Paarthy (a disgusting quest, if I may say so), I say he lives.

* Don't have Dawnguard, so I can't say for sure. But suns are not easy to destroy...

* Not even going to speculate on who the Dragonborn marries.

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