Anyone tried this on Nvidia SHIELD?

Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:04 am

I have the opportunity to get an Nvidia SHIELD "console" for quite cheap. It fits most of the criteria for my perfect hand held:

Emulators (NES,SNES,N64,PS1,GB,GBA,DS,DOSBox) - check!

Open platform (Android) - check!

Wifi (Chrome, email, etc.) - check!


So SHIELD has this nice PC streaming feature, where apparently any game on Steam can be streamed to the hand-held. So playing Skyrim on it is a gimme (and huge plus). What can get wonky however are controls for older games without gamepad support. I know Morrowind has some support for gamepads, but I don't know if it'll be enough to work with SHIELD.

Anyone tried it?

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