High chance for something like that
On the other hand its know that Iranian opposition used MMO as an secure communication channel. Data is encrypted and so many play the games it don't raise any flags.
High chance for something like that
On the other hand its know that Iranian opposition used MMO as an secure communication channel. Data is encrypted and so many play the games it don't raise any flags.
On the other hand that is pretty much an suicide mission, you has to roll an sanity check for every page.
WOW mostly, they might also have used some free ones as they are free. Added benefit that they could communicate with friends in the west.
And yes the protesters was mostly students.
Anyway NSA spying on MMO is stupid unless its to play during work,
Any western police department will get access to pretty much any data they want regarding serious crime. Know that they looked into Breivik the Norwegian right extremist terrorist WOW activity as he boasted that he had run an raiding guild.
Now have fun filtering the chat log: Attention We will hit keep 5 and 8 in three hours to support the black claw assault on Keep 4, kill them all.
As we all should know by now, NSA and other intelligence agencies will spy on everything you say, text, phone calls, camera footage, documents
Etc etc etc
They'll spy on every citizen too. It's not ethical or anything, and the terrible excuse for penny pinching humans in charge of the whole deal will svck the information out of them.
NSA should be 100% focused on rooting the corruption out of the government.
Instead, they're busy planting false flags on freedom fighters labeled as terrorists.
I'll never understand. =p
The terrorism is coming from within, yet everyone turns a blind eye towards the truth, or imprisons it.
Yes I think the main reason NSA was spying in WoW was because some smart ass at NSA figured out how he or she could play WoW during work hours without getting fired.
People, the NSA got caught spying, the rest of the world doe it too. The UK, Germany, China, Russia, Australia, Japan, -everyone-. The US just happened to get caught red handed. Chances are if you have internet, have a smart phone, play mmos, own a phone line, have facebook, twitter, or are part of any social media site, you have been, or are being spied on. I don't condone it, but its going on in EVERY country....
yeah, but, its against the constatutuion of the united states! not to mention its also an invasion of privacy and should NOT be allowed!
The constitution is a derelict document that is supposed to be re written every 20 years as stated by Thomas Jefferson. Yes data mining and gathering should be limited and controlled with strict oversight, but you cannot expect to have all the knowledge of the planet, including blueprints on how to build bombs from laundry detergent and the blue print for ′public buildings and government buildings at your fingertips, and not give a little in return.
If you don't believe me about the constitution thing btw. Here the original letter. For some reason I cannt use the damned link button so ill type it out.
and of course the link isn't working.....ffs.....let me try this again.....
edit now its working
Everybody has always spied on everybody. Yes you look stupid then caught spying on friends.
The main change is all the petabytes of stored data around and is easy to search.
Now its just stored on computers rather than in books. Same as before, technology just advanced. This is also why it needs to be strictly regulated, and have strict oversight as well.