Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Version: 2.0.1
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team
Requires Skyrim version or greater.
This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Skyrim. If you're experiencing a bug with Skyrim, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. There are conglomerate entries for object placement (if it doesn't affect gameplay), text errors, and inappropriate dialog (again, that doesn't affect quests or other gameplay) so please use those entries if that's what you're reporting. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Skyrim bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Skyrim experience!
(Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted)
I've seen something called the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon)? What is this? Do I need it? Is it safe?
The mod known as the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon) is not an approved extension and does not have the support of the Unofficial Patch Project. It's author has decided to make some deeply subjective design changes to the game and has chosen to market in such a way as to make it seem as though our project approves of its existence. We do not. This mod is not only full of subjective game design changes but also contains poorly implemented replacements for several fixes we've already made that in turn generate conflicts in the game and can even lead to save game corruption.
We have on several occasions attempted to contact the author, who has contributed fixes directly into the patches before and has ALSO provided Italian translations. He refused to address the issue, in fact refused to acknowledge our concerns at all and has continued to operate as though nothing is wrong.
You are strongly advised NOT to use this mod as it will be damaging to your game. We will NOT provide support to anyone who is using it in their games.
We will rescind this warning if and ONLY if these issues are resolved.
Previous Threads:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Version: 2.0.1
USKP Fixes
- Further improvements to the LOD trees in Solitude for Bug #65 have been done. There should no longer be any more duplication or bad LOD trees showing. (Bug #68)
- Fixed bad normals on the Hjerim house mesh. (meshes\architecture\windhelm\whhjerim1.nif) (Bug #14106)
- The previously removed mesh fix for NorTempleEntranceHall01.nif has been corrected and is now included again. (Bug #13600)
- Garakh's service radius was set wrong and pointing at the wrong location. Oops. (Bug #14111)
- Whiterun Imperial gate guards decided they didn't want to return to their posts after forcegreeting the player. (Bug #14094)
- The bear trap script was not fully setting traps that should begin in the open position. (Bug #14132)
- The CK, in its infinite and ravenous hunger, ate the property that was set in a previous fix to delay the start of Wolf Queen Awakened (MS06). (Bug #14146)
- The bear in the Helgen cave was unintentionally overpowered by the race fixes for bears. (Bug #14182)
- Legate Quentin Cipius was again found wandering his future camp when he wasn't supposed to be because his trigger did not have it's enable parent property set. (Bug #14231) [NR]
- A seam from a previous mesh fix in Whiterun has been corrected. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrterrain\wrgreymanebase.nif) (Bug #14115)
- Dravynea's quest in Kynesgrove (FreeformKynesgroveA) was still repeatable due to misunderstanding the purpose of the "run once" flag when our previous fix was put in place. (Bug #14486)
- Harsh Master (FreeformShipsWindhelm) was still repeatable due to misunderstanding the purpose of the "run once" flag when our previous fix was put in place.
- All objects previously edited to remove the defaultDisableHavokOnLoad script have been reverted out. The script itself will now simply bypass the cause of the error rather than trying to run the function that processes enabling Havok on them. Dropping them from your inventory will do that anyway.
- Straightened out the mess that was made of A Scroll For Anska (dunHighGateRuinsQST) and also fixed Anska's greetings if you never spoke to her before defeating Vokun. (Bug #10078)
- You may wish to kill us soon, but the weapon rack scripting has received another major cleanup and overhaul in the continuing quest to make them "just work". Thanks to DayDreamer and taleden for the latest round of improvements.
- Heimskr was still occasionaly getting set to preach in prisoners clothing when the Stormcloaks had taken Whiterun. (Bug #14567)
- Heimskr's new home marker was still not being consistently enabled when the Stormcloaks had taken Whiterun. (Bug #13635)
Game Mechanics Fixes
- No navmesh existed in front of the main tower entrance to the Abandoned Prison. Followers could become lost trying to enter from the opposite side.
- Soul Trap visuals will no longer stick to inanimate objects. (Bug #7167)
- Soul Trap will no longer be castable on a dead NPC, which resulted in an endless exploit for conjuration gains.
- The navmesh in Largashbur Longhouse was bad. 3 islands had to be moved out of the main space and the main navmesh repaired because access to several beds was not possible. (Bug #14180)
- The navmesh in Frostflow Abyss lacked jump down markers in the tall ice section near the Chaurus nest which prevented followers from being able to stay with the player.
- Dwemer automatons (spiders, centurions, spheres) were not immune to disintegration. (Bug #13833)
- Morokei needed a boss flag in order for Labrynthian to be clearable. (Bug #14240)
- Snowveil Sanctum was not clearable because the boss creature did not have the boss flag. (Bug #14240)
- Stonehills had some small breaks in the preferred navmesh pathing. (Bug #14224)
- FrostflowLighthouseLocation had cave keywords on it which caused NPCs to comment about being in a cave when it's not. (Bug #13824)
- Stendarr's Beacon was marked as clearable but should not be. LocTypeClearable has been removed from the location data. (Bug #12527)
- PerkSoulStealerFFContact requires the same fixes as the normal Soul Trap effect in order to function properly. (Bug #14152)
- EnchRobesFortifyMagickaRate04 and EnchRobesFortifyMagickaRate05 are improperly set to return EnchArmorFortifyMagickaBase instead of EnchArmorFortifyMagickaRateBase when disenchanted, resulting in getting the wrong learned effect from anything using these enchantments. (Bug #13625)
- Force Without Effort (GreybeardsFusAbility) and The Fire Within (GreybeardsYolAbility) both incorrectly have a magnitude of 1.00 for health which results in an unintended continual healing effect. (Bug #13906)
- The navmesh inside Alvor's house cut too close to the top of the stairs which resulted in NPCs getting stuck trying to turn to move into the main room. (Bug #14241)
- Guard factions were hostile toward the temporary faction used for the High Hrothgar delegations which resulted in town guards attacking the delegations. (Bug #14172)
- The two load screens that mention Labrynthian are meant to stop displaying once MG07 hits stage 200 but the conditions governing this were incorrect. (Bug #12634)
- Olava and Saadia were fighting over the same marker position to listen to Heimskr preach. Saadia now has her own marker and package to prevent them from "marker fighting". (Bug #13445)
- The AI packs for various Whiterun citizens who listened to Heimskr preach will no longer be active if he is jailed by the Imperials.
- The enchantment on StaffEnchReanimateCorpse was incorrectly set to use ReanimateFFAimed0. It should be using ReanimateFFAimed25. (Bug #14328)
- Several Reanimate scroll enchantments were pointing to the wrong enchantment effects for their specified power levels. (Bug #14326)
- Load screen CityWindhelm02 was not conditioned to stop appearing once the Imperials had taken Windhelm. (Bug #14039)
- Cell WhiterunAttackStart02 was assigned to the wrong location and would cause minor errors in the Battle of Whiterun. (Bug #14557)
- Magic effects DA09EncDawnbreakerTurnUndeadFFMassSelfArea, dunReachwaterRockReforgeSpell, LightFFAimed, ReanimateFFAimed0, ReanimateFFAimed25, ReanimateFFAimed50, ReanimateFFAimed75, TurnUndeadFFAimed25, TurnUndeadFFAimed50, TurnUndeadFFAimed75, TurnUndeadFFAimedArea50, TurnUndeadFFAimedArea75, and TurnUndeadFFMassSelfArea were all missing the WICastNonHostileTimer and GameDaysPassed properties which would cause them to generate errors. (Bug #13701, Bug #14239)
- More magic effects associated with creatures should now be prevented from attaching themselves to the player. (AbWitchlightScriptAttach, AbWispScriptAttach, AbWispShadeScriptAttach, AbFXAtronachFlame, AbFXAtronachStorm, AbFXSovengarde, AbFXDwarvenSpider, AbFXSkeletonNecro, AbFXSkeletonNecroPriest, AbSprigganSwarmScriptAttach, AbFXSpriggan, AbFXSprigganMatron, AbDragonPriestScriptAttach). An object has been placed in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun that can be used in the future to remove any of these effects again should they somehow get past us.
- Visual effect WerewolfExtractVFX didn't have the checkbox for rotating to face the target enabled. (Bug #13687)
- The navmesh in TowerOfMzarkExterior was not complete and followers were unable to use the Great Lift because of it. (Bug #13141)
- Weakness to Poison (AlchWeaknessPoison) had no corresponding keyword defined to match the other weakness effects. (Bug #13632)
- Soul trapping black souls (NPCs) into the white version of Azura's Star has been mentioned as being impossible by in game dialogue, printed in game information sources, and all known lore from the TES series as well as published game guides. Regular black soul gems should also only accept the souls of NPCs (black souls) and is mentioned in all of the same lore material as being this way. This major discrepancy should now be fixed. Azura's Black Star and other regular black soul gems should now be the only ones able to trap black souls. (Bug #14194)
- Corrected the perk applications for fortify enchant potions to conform to what the descriptions say you are getting. (Bug #14174)
Animation Fixes
- Argonian tails would twist in a rather unrealistic (and painful looking) manner when sneaking. The backward animations file was copied, then renamed to use as the forward animation file. No visual functionality has been lost. (meshes\auXbox Ones\tail\animations\sneakwalk_forward.hkx) (Bug #14068)
- Sabre cat idle animation will no longer have them bobbing up and down unnaturally. (meshes\actors\sabrecat\animations\mt_idle.hkx) (Bug #13741)
- Attack speed when dual wielding daggers has been fixed and should be fully functional now. (meshes\actors\character\_1stperson\behaviors\1hm_behavior.hkx, meshes\actors\character\behaviors\1hm_behavior.hkx) (Bug #14070, Bug #166)
Actor Fixes
- Vigilant Tyranus did not have the proper matching boots for his outfit.
- Atub never leaves the longhouse in Largashbur and so her previous fix to correct the broken service factions was insufficient. She has been given a new package to send her to the proper marker, and her services faction has been changed to provide services in the proper location. (Bug #14178)
- AI package EncCreatureSandboxEditorLocation512 has been edited to include the "allow idle pvssyr" flag which will correct the lack of clucking on chickens, and potentially on any other creatures which share this package. This supersedes the USKP 2.0.0 idle animation fix for chickens.
- Sebastian Lort (DA03Wizard) respawns after being killed because the base NPC record was using the base template data that has the respawn flag checked. (Bug #14497)
- Sebastian Lort also has the wrong voice type set. He should be using MaleWarlock. (Bug #14175)
- The cultists and draugr in Wolfskull Cave were hostile toward each other. The two cultist NPC records are now in NecromancerFaction which should prevent this from happening. Previous fix for bug #1455 has been reverted out since it didn't address the problem for some reason. (Bug #14492)
- Killing Drascua would result in future radiant quests to Dead Crone Rock to fail since there is no generic boss replacement. A generic forsworn shaman boss has been placed near the word wall and given the boss flag. Drascua's boss flag has been removed so she will no longer count as a radiant target. (Bug #14485)
- Actor dunPOIReachLoversCorpse01 is generic but should have been named according to the journal sitting next to her. She will also no longer respawn here. (Bug #14453)
- Hilde had two patrol packages, one of which wasn't working properly. (Bug #14134)
- Eola had the augmented frost perk despite using flame spells instead. (Bug #14128)
- Jaree-Ra was placed in the wrong building and thus couldn't sleep in a bed. He should have been placed on the Red Wave instead along with Deeja. He has also been added to that faction so ownership won't bar him from using a bed. (Bug #14066)
- Deeja cannot use the beds on the Red Wave because she is not part of the faction.
- Asta (dunEldergleamPilgrimNordF) and Sond (dunEldergleamPilgrimNordM) were set to respawn if killed despite being uniquely named NPCs.
- The guard spawners in Falkreath are too close to the fast travel marker and always spawn in a large bunch right in front of the player. These have now been moved to the area in front of the Jarl's longhouse in the center of the city where they can disperse more naturally. (Bug #14022)
- Guard spawners in Whiterun are all hovering in mid-air which results in them falling to the ground and taking damage if you fast travel to Dragonsreach instead of the front gate.
- Sigdis and Mirkul Gauldurson could both be disintegrated and thus cause the quest they're in to become uncompletable. (Bug #14375)
- Talsgar the Wanderer needed to be added to CR04Exclusion and CR08Exclusion to keep him from being picked for Companions radiant quests. (Bug #14160)
- Sylgja was not linked to her bed which would lead to the player not picking up proper ownership of the marital bed. (Bug #14462)
- DunValthumeGhostValdar and dunSnowyPOIGhost were erroneously given a script that does nothing. It's intention was to apply ghost abilities which are already present on the NPCs. (Bug #13997, Bug #13956)
- Swanhvir did not have her CarryActorScript attached and could not perform her AI to carry firewood. (Bug #13954)
- Two base bandit records for Mistwatch were not properly named for the location like the others. (dunMistwatchLvlBanditMelee1H, dunMistwatchLvlBanditMeleeOrcM) (Bug #14594)
- GuardWhiterunSonsDragonsreachPorchPatrolB and GuardWhiterunSonsDragonsreachPorchPatrol were mislabeled as Whiterun Guards instead of Stormcloak Soldiers like all the others. (Bug #14568)
- Madesi's vendor service faction hours in Riften did not match up with his assigned AI schedule. (Bug #14526)
- Irnskar and Melaran are both supposed to "play bodyguard" to Bryling and Erikur when they're in the Blue Palace but due to linking errors and bad package conditions, they would do so throughout the whole city instead. (Bug #13544)
- LvlDwarvenCenturionAmbush was not properly set as aggressive and would thus not attack the player even if standing next to them. (Bug #13195)
- dunAlftandValie was incorrectly assigned to the Windhelm town faction which made her eligible to fill an alias in Blood on the Ice (MS11). She's not part of Windhelm. (Bug #14609)
- Vigilant Tyranus was not a member of the Vigilants faction. (Bug #14605)
- All of the bandits at Fort Fellhammer had a script attached to them that would increment a Silver Hand kill counter for Purity of Revenge (C05) even when that quest is not running. This would result in later passing through on the way to do part of C05 and having the objectives update for the quest. (Bug #12058) [NR]
- The orcs used at Rift Watchtower did not respawn properly which would lead to broken radiant quests at this location. (Bug #14618)
Audio Fixes
- Dragon shout effect VoiceFrostBreathEffect3 was pointing to a fire breath sound instead of the proper frost breath sound. (Bug #14054)
- MQ302CouncilSceneEnd has the wrong dialogue recorded for the Jarl names. (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleUniqueArngeir\MQ302__0004BA38_1.fuz, Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleUniqueArngeir\MQ302__0004BA56_1.fuz, Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleUniqueTullius\MQ302__00087643_1.fuz, Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleUniqueUlfric\MQ302__0004BA51_1.fuz) (Bug #13876)
- Melaran incorectly refers to female players as males when asking about Court Wizards. (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleElfHaughty\DialogueSo_DialogueSolitud_000DD60B_1.fuz, Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleElfHaughty\DialogueSo_DialogueSolitud_000DD60B_2.fuz) (Bug #13841)
- Drifa has a line of dialogue referring to Bolli as her husband. She's married to Bersi. (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleCommoner\DialogueRi__00046A92_1.fuz)
- After Taking Care of Business, Drifa may have a conversation with Brand-Shei in the plaza where she indicates that Bolli was involved rather than her husband. She's married to Bersi. (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\FemaleCommoner\DialogueRi__00063E44_1.fuz)
- Ambarys will claim that Suvaris works for the Cruel-Seas, despite her not working for them. (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleDarkElf\DialogueWi__0003A8CC_1.fuz)
- Dravin did not have recorded audio saying his wife's name during a scene at Merryfair Farm. (Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\MaleDarkElf\DialogueMe__00030269_1.fuz)
Item Fixes
- Deathbell had a duration of 20 seconds for the ravage stamina effect when all other ingredients with the same magnitude are set at 10 seconds. (Bug #14463)
- The unique weapon, Woodsman's Friend (dunPinewoodGroveWoodsmansFriend) was set to respawn when it shouldn't. (Bug #14425)
- LItemApothecaryIngredienstUncommon75 is not set properly to reflect uncommon status (usually 50% chance, not 25% chance). (Bug #13498)
- LItemApothecaryIngredienstRare75 is not set properly to reflect rare status (usually 25% chance, not 75% chance) [This change was made in a previous USKP but failed to get documented] (Bug #14279)
- FloraMushroom01ReachDirt01, FloraMushroom02SmallReachDirt01, FloraMushroom03ReachDirt01, FloraMushroom04ReachDirt01, FloraMushroom04SmallReachDirt01, FloraMushroom05ReachDirt01, FloraMushroom02SmallDirt01, and FloraMushroom06SmallDirt01 all lacked the "Harvest" prompt for activating them. (Bug #14036)
- LItemSpellTomes00Spells, LItemSpellTomes50Spells, and LItemSpellTomes75Spells have been reorganized to be consistent with how LItemSpellTomes25Spells is implemented. (Bug #14009)
- Daedric maces do not use the correct 1st person model when wielded by the player. (Bug #13982)
- BoundBowEnchantment does not have the flag to handle the Turn Undead effect properly when the Oblivion Binding perk is active. (Bug #13960)
- CaveIRockL01, CaveIRockL02, CaveIRockL03, CaveIRockL04, and CaveIRockL05 had a directional angle setting of 60 degrees which was not enough to see the snow shader. They have all been raised to 120 degrees so the shader will be visible as intended. (Bug #13358)
- The WETriggerOnLoad object did not have the WERoadStart keyword set as required. (Bug #13902)
- Jala's vendor inventory in Solitude does not include gourds or garlic despite them being on display at her stand. (Bug #14588)
Quest Fixes
- Some portions of Birna's dialogue at the end of Drowned Sorrows still needed to be flagged for whether or not Ranmir was still around.
- The dialogue for purchasing house upgrades in Markarth was not linked to the option to continue buying more like the other house dialogue was. (Bug #14314)
- If Anise is killed, dunPOITundraWitchShackQST is never terminated and her body thus remains in the game forever. The quest can also be repeatedly triggered because the SM Event node was not checking to see if it was already running. (Bug #14193)
- Alfhild Battle-Born does not use her greeting line if Jon is dead due to a bad condition check. (Bug #14087)
- In the Eldergleem Sanctuary, if the two NPCs are killed then the controller quest (dunEldergleamT03) holding their aliases needs to be stopped so the bodies will eventually clean up. (Bug #14053)
- The guards Irileth is supposed to dispatch to Riverwood get hung up on each other because their AI has them moving too closely together. (Bug #14016)
- Lonely Gale will still talk about murders in the city even if Blood on the Ice (MS11) is completed. (Bug #13984)
- Pickpocketing the key from Calixto allows access to knowing his true purpose in Blood on the Ice (MS11) without being able to tell anyone about it. His key will now be a death item instead of an inventory item. (NPCs don't require keys to their own homes) (Bug #14187)
- Gaius Maro's travel and sleep schedule during Breeching Security (DB06) did not conform to the note that has his schedule on it. The sleep packages began at midnight which would cause him to end up traveling at night on the wrong day in order to reach the next city. All of the eat packages have been shortened to 4 hours and the sleep packages now begin at 22:00 and run for 8 hours so his schedule should be on track now. (Bug #13332)
- The two random encounters capable of providing the player with a stray dog (WEJS18, WEJS23) will no longer cause the dog to disappear forever if the player leaves them somewhere and they unload from active memory. (Bug #11933)
- The dead dragons and stray dog from random encounter WEJS18 were not being cleaned up by the script which could lead to minor save game bloating.
- Ysolda and Camilla could both accept investments in their shops after being married, which makes little sense considering they're no longer going to be running the shops they are assigned as backups to. (Bug #14189)
- Two scenes that deal with the murders in Windhelm (DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene1, DialogueWindhelmViolaLonelyGaleScene3) were still eligible to play once Blood on the Ice (MS11) was completed. (Bug #14242)
- One of Endarie's responses to the player after completing The Wolf Queen Awakened (MS06) was incorrectly set to play after completing Lights Out! (MS07) instead. (Bug #14236)
- Discerning the Transmundane (DA04) appears to have lost several properties due to unknown causes, possibly from bad official patches that have since been undone. Not many people seem to have been affected by this so it may have been caused by a Steam beta patch that went bad and was quickly corrected. These properties will now be restored allowing the quest to be completed. (Bug #13934)
- When attempting to intimidate the bandits at Valtheim Keep (dunValtheimKeepQST) and failing, the bandits use a generic goodbye because the dialogue option failed to include the goodbye flag. (Bug #14520)
- It was possible to turn in the 10 cogs for Arniel's Endeavour (MGRArniel01) before he had properly given you the quest due to a missing condition on the dialogue. (Bug #14481)
- When persuading your way out of a random thief encounter (WERJ02) an incorrectly set invisible continue in the dialogue caused the goodbye flag to be ignored and the NPC to instead pick from any valid dialogue they could speak and use that instead. (Bug #14442)
- When setting up the verses to present in court during Tending the Flames (MS05) one of the responses sets an incorrect variable resulting in a bad set of verses being played back. (Bug #14432)
- Followers could use anti-vampire taunts while in combat and the player is the only vampire around. (Bug #14302)
- The story manager had a second way to restart FreeformKolskeggrA which would then become stuck because of the previous USKP fix to disable the Forsworn respawns there. (Bug #14230)
- All dialogue in "Gift from a friend" (WIChangeLocation05) is intended to be spoken by the NPC designated as your friend, but was available to every NPC in the loaded area. (Bug #14177)
- Ardwen's random encounter (WEJS13) never terminates once she reaches Whiterun. The quest will now terminate if she has arrived and the player changes locations to anywhere other than Whiterun. (Bug #13916)
- A Good Death (WE24) does not clean up properly because the Orc alias was misconfigured to never unload. (Bug #13900)
- Random encounter "Bard at attacked by bandits" (WEDL01b) did not attach the cleanup script to the two bandit aliases and thus the encounter would never terminate properly once they had unloaded from local memory. (Bug #13945)
- During The Wolf Queen Awakened (MS06) the quest marker for objective "Defeat Potema" does not display properly if the player is not in the second or third cell of the catacombs dungeon due to the first marker condition being invalid. (Bug #14165)
- Persuasion responses used in Caught Red Handed (FreeformRiften11) were checking speech on the NPCs rather than on the player as other speech checks are. (Bug #14155)
- King Olaf's Festival was intended to run every week, on Loredas (Saturday) once the initial quest to restore the festival was completed. To fix this, the following changes were required:
- KingOlafsFestivalStarter needed 3 of its aliases set to optional since they're not even required anyway and two of the NPCs could be dead.
- Viarmo's alias in Tending the Flames (MS05KingOlafsFestival) needs to be set independently since his alias in MS05 will be invalid by this point.
- Viarmo's inventory would get a new torch every time this ran, so all the torches in his inventory will be taken from him when the quest shuts down.
- Stage 20 of MS05KingOlafsFestival will attempt to set stage 290 in MS05 each time it runs, but this only needs to be done once.
(Bug #14140) - Boethiah's Calling (DA02) breaks all future radiant quests which would take place at Knifepoint Ridge after the Champion has been enabled. (Bug #14131)
- Tolfdir was supposed to describe the Auger's accident when you ask him about the Auger but the dialogue was not linked to the topic chain. (Bug #14107)
- Telrav's Request (dunNilheimQST) is never stopped once Telrav is dead, leading to the location becoming blocked for radiant quests and the bandit bodies never respawning properly. This resolves several bugs which affect this quest. (Bug #885, Bug #13965, Bug #14199)
- Repairing the Phial would not recognize BriarHeart objects sometimes, causing the quest to get stuck. The scripts were using an unreliable alias fill method which has now been rewritten. (Bug #14532)
- During A Night to Remember (DA14) it was possible to persuade or bribe the priestess but then pick up the trash and have it give you the objective to apologize but be unable to do so, leaving the objective stuck there. The trash also never got disabled once you had left if you didn't pick it up. (Bug #14148)
- When purchasing the cleanup option for Hjerim to get rid of the murderer's mess (MS11), entering the house could cause a black screen and full freeze if the chest had anything added to it by the player. Even if it was the original contents. The chest has now been unlinked from the enable parent marker and will remain behind when the mess is removed. (Bug #14035)
- During the embassy party in Diplomatic Immunity (MQ201) a scene between Orthus and Vittoria will attempt to play out even if Orthus isn't nearby because Vittoria's AI is targeting the player instead of Orthus. (Bug #13596)
- When NPCs accept the generic items in Delivery (Favor001) they can end up selling them back to the player if they are a merchant. (Bug #13541)
- One scene in Narzulbur has Mauhulakh and Dushnamub (DialogueNarzulburMauhulakhDushnamub2) had the two speakers each using the lines belong to the other. (Bug #14197)
- Ogmund should be sent to the stockade after turning over his Talos amulet to the Thalmor but isn't because the stage check to see when this should happen was pointing to the wrong quest. (Bug #14139)
- Tolfdir the Absent-Minded (MGR01) does not clear all objectives properly if the alembic is picked up before he gives you the quest. (Bug #13760)
- Upon completion of The Break of Dawn (DA09) the light beams outside of Kilkreath Ruins should be shut down but are not. (Bug #865)
- Prisoners being escorted by Stormcloaks/Thalmor (WE09/WE32) will be properly unbound if the player frees them through dialogue. If the player "frees" them by killing the escorts, the prisoner will be properly unbound once they begin to flee the area and will not require the player to speak to them first. (Bug #12994)
- The prisoner being escorted by Imperial guards (WE09) did not receive the proper crime faction for crime detection if assaulted.
- When completing The Cure for Madness (DB07) the blood outside of the Dawnstar Sanctuary is never removed. (Bug #14208)
- The first puzzle door in High Gate Ruins did not reset correctly if you failed, making it possible to resolve it with a shortcut. Two draugr on the next level have also been fixed so they can't shout at you from behind a wall until it's appropriate for them to be active. (Bug #13438)
- Ulfric's map scene quest (CW01WindhelmMapTableScene) was missing a property to ensure that the Jagged Crown scene was fully played out. (Bug #14525)
- Erdi does not process the persuasion prompt correctly because the property is missing on the dialogue script. (Bug #14553)
- Senna does not process the persuasion prompt correctly because the property is missing on the dialogue script. (Bug #14426)
- When a witch head is chosen for the Purity quest (CR13), it is routinely impossible for the alias to fill properly due to internal changes in Papyrus that can no longer properly handle the player's inventory items. A new head will now be generated, the alias filled, and then swapped with one of the ones the player is carrying. This should eliminate problems with CR13 repeatedly trying to reset itself and with any complaints from C04GlenmorilWitchHeadScript. These changes should also eliminate the problem of CR13 not taking the head from your inventory upon curing the person you were asked to help. (Bug #14212, Bug #12983)
- The finale scene for Dead Man's Respite (MS05_dunDeadMensRespiteQST) could not play out properly due to a missing alias property in MS05_BardGhostFinale. (Bug #14311)
- Guard rumors in Markarth were not able to add the map marker for Reachwater Rock because the dialogue option had the wrong property set. (Bug #14301)
- When being sent to do Hired Muscle (CR04), if the target had another possible response from a different quest they would use that instead and leave CR04 dangling. Sometimes this would result in brawl opponents paying off a reward a second time even though they aren't supposed to do that. This was due to the CR04 alias dialogue response being at the bottom of the available list of choices. It has now been moved to the top where it will function correctly. (Bug #14252)
- Using speech to intimidate or persuade the random mercenaries (WE06Road) was not working correctly because the dialogue options did not have the properties set. (Bug #14219)
- When Malacath gives Yamarz his task, the scene dialogue does not disable the hammer as expected due to the property not being set. (Bug #14163)
- In Good Intentions (MG04) Quaranir's alias did not have the quest property set so he could disable as needed when stage 40 was done. (Bug #14006) [NR]
- Thane of Hjaalmarch (Favor255) had the wrong value set for the objective display property. (Bug #13961)
- Two aliases in Under Saarthal (MG02) did not have a property set for disabling a collision object. (Bug #13987, Bug #13986) [NR]
- Guards are never enabled at the Western Watchtower after the Battle of Whiterun. (Bug #14569)
- Warlord Gathrik is not properly reserved when Coming of Age (dunIronbindQST) starts and thus another radiant quest could override his alias that stores his unique name. (Bug #14555)
- When asking for access to the Pelagius Wing during The Mind of Madness (DA15) persuading Una to let you in does not provide you with the appropriate speech skill increase due to a missing property and missing persuasion fragment. She also lacked proper conditions for the speech check. (Bug #14554)
- The guards outside the Solitude gate would still tell you how to join the legion even if you had already joined the Stormcloaks. (Bug #14590)
- dunRebelsCairnQST would fail to start if the boss had been reserved by another radiant quest, or if the note there had already been taken by the player. (Bug #14166)
- It was possible to have your spouse start handing out profits before ever moving to your house and informing you they're opening a store. (Bug #14188)
- Farengar's goodbye dialogue in Bleak Falls Barrow (MQ103) played over the top of Balgruuf's closing parts of the scene making it difficult or impossible to tell what either one of them were saying. (Bug #14149)
- dunMistwatchQST had a missing property for the ChristerLeavesWorld scene. (Bug #14593)
- In the random encounter "Taunting Adventurer" (WERoad07) the speech options for persuade and intimidate don't work because the script properties were not set. (Bug #14585)
- dunBloodletThroneQST never terminates once stage 200 is reached. (Bug #14586)
- During the retreival of the Crown of Barenziah several scenes involving ghosts should play. Due to poor design, the final scene at the crown itself will never play and often result in only one Dunmer ghost appearing who does not go hostile as intended. (Bug #14441)
- Several aliases in WERJ10, WERJ11, and WERJ12 had redundant cleanup scripts on them that the quests are already handling. (Bug #13929)
- The TortureRoomStormcloak1 alias in Unbound (MQ101) was marked as disabled when it should not have been, which results in errors trying to enter it into combat. (Bug #13849)
- It was possible to prematurely start Valdr's healing checks before the Moss Mother quest (dunMossMotherQST) was actually running. (Bug #13901)
Script Fixes
- The following scripts have been modified to attempt to address longstanding issues with bloat from spawned critters: Critter, critterBird, critterDragonFly, critterFish, critterMoth, CritterSpawn, FireFly, FXfakeCritterScript. In addition, they will also address the following issues:
- Critter.psc was referencing an invalid animation float variable (fTakeOff -> TakeOff) which was causing part of it's routine to fail. (Bug #13907)
- CritterMoth could attempt to land a moth on a disabled nirnroot which leads to errors and possibly strands the moth without proper cleanup later. (Bug #14316)
- FireFly.psc had an infinite loop possibility for a 3D loaded check. [NR]
- FXfakeCritterScript was not correctly clearing its PlaceAtMe objects which could leave dangling "pointers" behind to abandoned referenced. (Bug #14622)
- QF_dunPOITundraWitchShackQST_000DDF8D had a line trying to make an NPC activate itself but she has no script to do anything with it. (Bug #14162)
- DA02Script did not remove the conduit from the WINoBodyCleanupFaction, leaving it stuck on the stack forever. (Bug #14307) [NR]
- WIAddItem07Script was attempting to remove a specific aliased item from the player which could have been sold or destroyed. The script should instead have been taking one copy of the base object record. (Bug #12056)
- MarriageFINPlayerScript does not perform sanity checking on the spouse's house location. (Bug #14513)
- QF_MG08_0001F258 appears to need a short time delay between stage 10 starting and Tolfdir's scene playing. (Bug #14490)
- WICrowdTriggerScript did not use sanity checked function calls to manipulate aliases. (Bug #14483)
- TrapTriggerHinge was using a variable that apparently doesn't always initialize rather than just activating with "self" as is standard. (Bug #14469)
- dunBluePalaceLoathingCounter was attempting to use PlaceAtMe in an illegal manner. (Bug #14467)
- dunBluePalaceWabbajackSCRIPT was also attempting to use PlaceAtMe in an illegal (and unnecessary) manner. (Bug #14466)
- QF_DA15_0002AC68 had no sanity checking in stage 55. (Bug #14465)
- QF_MS06Start_00093807 no sanity checks before StartCombat calls. (Bug #14464)
- TIF__0001FE90 had missing properties which caused Sergius Turrianus to fail to reward the player for bringing back common soul gems. (Bug #14448)
- SpiderWebAnimationsSCRIPT does not stop processing animations for dead actors. (Bug #14443)
- QF_CWSiege_000954E1 was still making calls to cut portions from DA08. (Bug #14556)
- QF_CWAttackCity_0004F8BF had no sanity check on the usually empty Justiciar alias. (Bug #14558)
- BardSongsScript did not prevent dead bards from trying to run song scenes. (Bug #14380)
- QF_dunGauldursonQST_000E4D31 attempted to set non-existent objective. (Bug #14318)
- DialogueFollowerScript did not unregister the update timers for the follower and animal aliases if they were picked up after waiting or after they were dismissed. (Bug #14315)
- BFBPuzzle01Control lacked sanity checking for the activator objects it uses. (Bug #14310)
- defaultPillarPuzzleLeverNoFurn lacked sanity checking for the activator objects it uses. (Bug #14295)
- defaultPillarPuzzleLever lacked sanity checking for the activator objects it uses. (Bug #14169)
- defaultPillarPuzzlePullBarNoFurn lacked sanity checking for the activator objects it uses. (Bug #14000)
- SprigganFXSCRIPT did not check the 3D state of spriggans before trying to have them cast spells. (Bug #14298)
- CR12TotemSlotScript added a short delay between enabling the object and setting its havok in motion due to errors in the logs. (Bug #14205)
- TIF__00075C76 was setting an illegal value for aggression. (Bug #14288)
- defaultCounter had no sanity checks to see if a linked ref was actually present before trying to run functions based on that. (Bug #13955)
- QF_WERJ11_000F5185 was not performing sanity checks before trying to move Skjor around. (Bug #14271)
- MG03BookScript had no sanity checking to see if the NPC was dead yet or not. (Bug #14270)
- dunFellglowBossBattle had no sanity check against the atronachs being dead (or being a None). (Bug #14269)
- magicEffectShadersOnEndScript had no sanity checking to be sure the subject's 3D is loaded. (Bug #14266)
- dunYngolGlow had no check to make sure the 3D was loaded. (Bug #14249)
- defaultSetStageTrigSCRIPT did not make sure the stage to be set hadn't been done yet before trying to start the quest and/or set the desired stage. (Bug #14245)
- QF_dunBloatedMansGrottoQST_000955CF had several statements for NPCs cut from the game that had not been disabled. (Bug #14226)
- QF_MS08_0001CF25 was trying to set an invalid objective. (Bug #14216)
- CarryActorScript was set up to extend ObjectReference, but something in Patch 1.9 changed how Papyrus views attempts to upcast an ObjectReference into an Actor (it usually just fails). The script has now been changed to properly extend Actor (it's only possible to use it on NPCs) and so anything that is referencing it, such as the package fragments for carrying firewood, have all been rewritten to assume it's an Actor script now. This should resolve numerous bugs with carry package that litter the Papyrus logs. (Bug #14206)
- NightMotherCoffinScript was attempting to use one alias in two different quest checks, when one of the quests will always be shut down. A new alias property had to be created to deal with it. (Bug #14191)
- QF_WIChangeLocation09_00050AF1 had no sanity checks for the guard aliases. (Bug #14184)
- QF_DA06_0003B681 attempted to set several invalid objectives. (Bug #13897)
- TrapFallingOilLampColLayer did not reenable the child light sources when the oil lamps were reset. (Bug #14143)
- MS04MemmoryEffectScript had too short of a delay for enabling the ghosts. (Bug #14124)
- AbTGTrapsightScript fixed use of the += operator on a global variable. (Bug #14120)
- DBSanctuaryWordWallTriggerScript fixed use of the += operator on a global variable. (Bug #14120)
- dunKilkreathCrystalNodeSCRIPT had zero sanity checking and was thus responsible for hundreds of lines of log errors when near the Kilkreath Ruins. (Bug #14033, Bug #14118)
- dunKilkreathCrystalPedastalSCRIPT had zero sanity checking and was thus responsible for hundreds of lines of log errors when inside the Kilkreath Ruins. (Bug #14032)
- QF_DA14Start_0003FA17 tried to move a wall marker the game will not allow to be moved. (Bug #14084)
- defaultDisableOnResetIfLocWasCleared had no sanity check for None locations, which can't be cleared. (Bug #14076)
- TG08ACustomPullBarScript was trying to run a quest stage that is no longer necessary. (Bug #14051)
- dweSpiderCenturionPipeScript did not validate that the triggering ref was a valid actor. (Bug #14050)
- dunMarkarthWizard_UpdateFactions did not validate the references it wanted to update. (Bug #14048)
- dunHarmugstahlWarlockScene did not make sure the warlock wasn't dead before trying to start combat. (Bug #14046)
- FestivalEndScript was using getParentCell in a situation where it would always fail. (Bug #14031)
- QF_MS05DUPLICATE000_00053511 was setting an invalid objective. (Bug #14028)
- MS14GhoruunEntrance was attempting to run alias checks on its quest when the quest isn't at the correct stage. (Bug #14008)
- QF_MG04_0001F254 Short delay inserted in the stage 0 fragment to allow Papyrus to realize the quest has started so the scene will run. (Bug #14007)
- SoundTrap does not rearm traps which are set to be used multiple times, or that do not have finite uses. Also blocked detection events from objects triggering the traps since they never worked anyway and only fill the logs with errors. (Bug #13003, Bug #13999)
- defaultSetAVonActivate was supposed to have default values set but never defined them, even though the script comments clearly stated what they should be. (Bug #13966, Bug #13998)
- MG02TolfdirEVPTriggerScript should disable the trigger it's attached to once you've walked through it. It's only good once anyway. (Bug #13991)
- MG02Saarthal01LeverScript had no sanity checks before trying to enable references. (Bug #13988)
- QF_DB02_0001EA51 attempts to set an invalid objective in stage 10. (Bug #13981)
- DA02ShrineApproachTriggerScript tried to start combat with a dead actor. (Bug #13980)
- DraugrFXScript could attempt to run the OnGetUp event before the OnEffectStart event which resulted in errors and potentially provided a back door for the bug that causes the Draugr Eyes effect to get attached to the player. (Bug #13967)
- fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT apparently needed a 3D load check despite the OnCellDetach event turning off the update loop. (Bug #13847) [NR]
- PlayerSleepQuestScript needed to have a check added for when the player sleeps in a cell with no location. (Bug #14565)
- MQ203PlayerScript needed a sanity check against None locations. (Bug #14601)
- CWMission04Script had no validation against receiving None values. (Bug #14599)
- TrainedAnimalScript did not check for empty aliases before trying to unregister updates for an animal follower. (Bug #14582)
- CR02QuestScript had no sanity check against locations that can't be reset. (Bug #14575)
- DA10GhostTrap would throw errors in the abandoned hose in Markarth if the player had picked up the objects. (Bug #14592)
- WitchlightActorScript needed to be modified to handle cases where the parent Wisp Mother needs to be disabled with an enable parent marker. (Bug #14435)
- dunGeirmundsBossDuplicates was using SetAlpha on dead things. (Bug #14373)
- TraqexplosiveGas had no sanity checking to make sure the actors even had equipped spells first. (Bug #14308)
- dunYngolBarrowBossScript needed a short delay to allow 3D to enable before playing shader effects. (Bug #14248)
- QF_dunYngolBarrowQST_000434A3 had some bad initialization code that led to the initial mote activation failing when the player entered the dungeon. (Bug #14247)
- CR12QuestScript did not exclude attempting to reset a worldspace cell. (Bug #14213)
- Tripwire.psc was trying to set motion types in the OnReset which isn't guaranteed to run before the OnLoad. (Bug #14170)
- FXBirdFleeSCRIPT needed a short delay added to allow 3D to load. (Bug #13963)
- dunCGFXBirdFleeSCRIPT needed a short delay added to allow 3D to load. (Bug #13855)
- dunSaarthalMasterSCRIPT needed a short delay added to allow 3D to load. (Bug #13992)
- QF_dunStonehillBarrowQST_000CF915 had the activation ref set wrong on one of the quest stages. (Bug #13962)
- dunRebelsCairnSwordInStoneManager was playing sound references on a possibly disabled collision box. (Bug #13931)
- QF_DB03_0001EA52 trying to enable an object that's already being controlled by an enable parent. (Bug #13930)
- PhysicsTrap was trying to set motion data on things that were not fully loaded in the OnReset block. (Bug #13926)
- CR01PlayerWatchingScript did not make sure NPCs were still indoors before trying to unlock all owned doors in a cell. (Bug #13839)
- QF_MQ105_000242BA attempted to have a Greybeard equip a None object instead of properly unequippin it. (Bug #13717)
- QF_MGRArniel03_0006A097 tried to set too many objectives and ended up clobbering most of the conditions for the remainder of the quest. (Bug #11990)
- QF_CWFortSiegeFort_00083042 had 3 sections of code set to disable barricades but did no sanity checking to see if they even existed. (Bug #14635)
- QF_WEDL01b_000BFB61 was not checking to be sure the quest was still running before trying to advance to stage 100. (Bug #13867)
NIF Mesh and Texture Fixes
- The Temple of Kynareth had no windows inside. (meshes\architecture\Whiterun\WRInteriors\WRTemple\wrtempintpromalcove01.nif, meshes\architecture\Whiterun\WRInteriors\WRTemple\wrtempintpromcustom01.nif, meshes\architecture\Whiterun\WRInteriors\WRTemple\wrtempintroofmidwin.nif) (Bug #14577)
- Bed markers in the Temple of Kynareth had no pillows, causing NPCs to have their heads suspended over nothing. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrclutter\wrtemplehealingaltar01.nif) (Bug #14578)
- Chaurus Eggs collision radius has been reduced to help deal with floaters. (meshes\clutter\chauruseggs\eggs.nif)
- Several landscape glacial and smaller ice pieces lacked flags to make them cast shadows despite them all being large enough to need it and several other pieces used in the same places were casting shaodws. (meshes\landscape\ice\glacierendlg01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glacierpillarlg01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glacierrubbletrim01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glacierrubbletrim02.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glacierrubbletrim03.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glacierslab01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glacierstraightlg01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glaciertrim01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\glaciertrim02.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\iceberglarge.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\icebergledge01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\icebergsmall01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\icebergsmall02.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\iciclebigclump.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\iciclebigsingle01.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\iciclebigstrip.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\iciclesmallclump.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\iciclesmallsingle.nif, meshes\landscape\ice\iciclethinstrip.nif) (Bug #14424)
- None of the landscape parts for mountains cast shadows even though all of them are large enough to need it. (meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff03.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliff04.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaincliffsm01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainpeak01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainpeak02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainridge01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainridge02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountainridge03.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim01.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim01wet.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim02.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim02wet.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim03.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrim03wet.nif, meshes\landscape\mountains\mountaintrimslab.nif) (Bug #14424)
- One of the Solitude floor pieces had wood sounds on stairs that should be stone. (meshes\architecture\solitude\interiors\smdaflosol06.nif) (Bug #14064)
- Four ice dirt mound meshes had bad collision. (meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\dirtmound\caveidirtmound03.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\dirtmound\caveidirtmound04.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\dirtmound\caveidirtmound07.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\dirtmound\caveidirtmound08.nif) (Bug #13978)
- Skeever tail collision radius has been reduced to help deal with floaters. (meshes\clutter\ingredients\skeevertail01.nif) (Bug #13883)
- Mushroom03 and Mushroom06 collision radius has been reduced to help deal with floaters. (meshes\plants\mushroom03.nif, meshes\plants\mushroom06.nif) (Bug #13883)
- Male versions of the studded armor gloves were built with the wrong skin instance type. (meshes\armor\studded\male\gloves_0.nif, meshes\armor\studded\male\gloves_1.nif) (Bug #14098)
- Wall mounted goat heads had an improperly set back lighting shader flag. (meshes\clutter\deadanimals\wallmountedgoat01.nif) (Bug #14096)
- Several issues fixed with the Whiterun drawbridge. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrcitywalls\wrwallgatedrawbridge01.nif) (Bug #13910)
- GlazedPot01 collision radius reduced to help deal with floaters. (meshes\clutter\glazedpot01.nif) (Bug #13878)
- GlazedPot02 collision radius reduced to help deal with floaters. (meshes\clutter\glazedpot02.nif) (Bug #13877)
- CommonTableLow02 had collision which caused items on its surface to float. (meshes\clutter\common\commontablelow02.nif) (Bug #13868)
- The destroyed version of Styrr's house in Solitude had some hollow beams and a one-sided roof piece, as well as a bad texture path. (meshes\Architecture\Solitude\SStyrrsHouseDestroyed.nif) (Bug #13583)
- Numerous issues have been corrected on the Whiterun Hall of the Dead. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrbuildings\wrhallofthedead01.nif) (Bug #13492)
- SilverJug01 collision radius reduced to help deal with floaters. (meshes\clutter\silver\silverjug01.nif) (Bug #13228)
- Minor UV error corrected on the Riften mausoleum that leads to the Thieves Guild. (meshes\architecture\riften\animated\mausoleum\rtmausoleumdoor01.nif) (Bug #14201)
- Khajiit females were assigned an incorrect skin path for the hands in texture set SkinHandFemaleKhajiit. (Bug #14040)
- TriShape data was unintentionally altered in one of the Dwemer shelf meshes. (meshes\clutter\dwemer\DweShelfSolid01.nif) (Bug #13836)
- Several floor candles for ruins did not distinguish clearly enough between the "on" and "off" versions. (meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampmidoff.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampmidoff02.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampmidon.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampmidon02.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampsmoff.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampsmoff02.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampsmon.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinsfloorcandlelampsmon02.nif) (Bug #13500)
- Mannequin specular map texture has been moved to the correct slot. Soft lighting texture was set to black to correct the lack of soft lighting. (meshes\actors\manekin\manekin.nif, meshes\actors\manekin\manekin_feet.nif, meshes\actors\manekin\manekinhands.nif) (Bug #14101)
- Texture set CityBannerMarkarth had a generic placeholder texture with the word "Markarth" on it. This has been replaced with a proper banner texture for the city. (Textures\Clutter\ (Bug #13269)
- Male Nightingale Gloves required further corrections to completely fix the black fingers issue. (meshes\armor\nightingale\m\1stpersongauntlets.nif_0.nif, meshes\armor\nightingale\m\1stpersongauntlets.nif_1.nif, meshes\armor\nightingale\m\gauntlets_0.nif, meshes\armor\nightingale\m\gauntlets_1.nif) (Bug #14631)
- Several defects corrected for the Honningbrew Meadery building. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrbuildings\wrhousemeaderywarehouse01.nif) (Bug #11889)
- Gaps and UV errors corrected for the noble divider racks. (meshes\furniture\noble\noblenoblerack01.nif, meshes\furniture\noble\nobledivider01.nif) (Bug #13964)
- UV errors corrected for the wooden ramps in Whiterun. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrscaffold\wrscaframptranstop.nif) (Bug #13323)
- Several gaps and UV errors have been fixed for Jorvaskr. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrbuildings\wrjorvaskr01.nif) (Bug #13769)
- An Imperial slab had bad collision, causing items to become lost inside of it. (meshes\dungeons\imperial\clutterkits\impfloorpiece01.nif) (Bug #14545)
- Prison wall caps in Windhelm had bad UV mapping. (meshes\architecture\windhelm\whprisonwallcap01.nif) (Bug #13362)
- Some Dwemer tables have oversized collision as well as some phantom collision sections. (meshes\furniture\dwemer\dwefurnituretablea01.nif, meshes\furniture\dwemer\dwefurnituretablea02.nif, meshes\furniture\dwemer\dwefurnituretablesqa01.nif) (Bug #13799, Bug #13805)
- Imperial chandeliers have ugly outlines around their chains. (textures\clutter\imperial\ (Bug #13753)
- Gaps, seams, and missing collision between the two large house platforms in the Wind District of Whiterun have been corrected. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrterrain\wrgreathouseplatform02.nif, meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrterrain\wrcommonhouseplatform01.nif) (Bug #891, Bug #14598, Bug #14676, Regression fix for Bug #13696)
- The Clan Shatter-Shield house mesh in Windhelm had numerous issues with texture UV, collision, gaps, holes, etc. (meshes\architecture\windhelm\whclanshattershield.nif) (Bug #13637, Bug #894)
- Improper lighting due to bad normals has been corrected on the Dwemer chest. (meshes\clutter\dwemer\dwecontainer01.nif) (Bug #13817)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- 00073E5D: Dragon mound that still needed the properties assigned for the script fix to stop dragon mound spam.
- 0009AD96: Link trigger in Dustman's Cairn missing property settings causing errors during Proving Honor (C01). (Bug #13924) [NR]
- 00093859, 0009385a: Unlootable dwarven spheres due to having the "parent activate only" flag set unnecessarily. (Bug #339)
- 0010beed: Leveled NPC marker moved outside of a tent. The giant spiders it could spawn would get stuck inside. (Bug #14455)
- 00054A58, 00054C61, 000A405B, 00054C6C, 00054C63: Moved chest of drawers - and the items ontop - that was clipping with a rock
- 0005EAE6: Disabled torch sconce light source outside of Sky Haven Temple that's supposed to start disabled
- 000DB45E, 000DB465, 000DB467, 000DB466: Moved foliage clipping with surroundings
- 000DB45C, 000DB459, 000DB45D, 000DB45B, 000DB456, 000DB458, 000DB457: Repositioned floating Nirnroot plants
- 000CB48F, 000CB48E, 02002304: Edited breezehome embers to stop the pot stand from floating
- 000A3DB5, 000A3DB4: Moved fire lamp to stop clipping with wall
- 00037140: Grounded floating pot
- 000D046A: Grounded floating creep cluster
- 000CB496, 000CB4DD, 000CB4DC: Raised plate and rabbit legs in breezehome to stop it havok-glitching onto the floor
- 000FD319: Moved fire in cauldron to stop it clipping through
- 000A5762: Attached floating torch sconce to wall
- 000B8B1C: Moved branch sticking through ground
- 0003CF2A: Shifted dwemer chest that was clipping with pipe
- 0010F46E: Raised dwemer pipe piece that was clipping through shelf
- 000f6e9c: Dwemer spider badly positioned on a shelf, causing collision to go crazy. (Bug #14504)
- 000b8b06: Road peice rotated slightly to cover an odd landscape sliver. (Bug #14519)
- 00073E5D: Dragon mound with an incorrectly attached script. (Bug #14157)
- 0010e94c: The Keening reward reference was embedded into the ground, causing it to fall through into a gap between mesh sections when enabled. (Bug #13042) [NR]
- 00042260: Large land mesh in Riften sticking outside the south city gate. (Bug #14515)
- 0009fb61: Floating wall in Ratway Warrens. (Bug #13303)
- 000bea41: Gap in wall area. (Bug #12795)
- 0007d12f: Z-fighting wall. (Bug #13118)
- 000d25ba, 000d25f4, 000d25f5, 000d25f6, 000d25e3: Floating food and dishware in Jorrvaskr. (Bug #14500)
- 000b2c2c, 000b2c2b: Beds with their furniture markers embedded into walls. (Bug #14277)
- 0009A98A: Floating pot. (Bug #13098)
- 000260DD, 000260A8, 000260e6: Misaligned objects. (Bug #13098)
- 000a3cbe: Wall gap in the Ratway. (Bug #13737)
- 0005752b: Floating hay pile. (Bug #13083)
- 0002ae6b, 0002ae69: Floating mound and protruding polygon. (Bug #13132)
- 0002CF3A: Wall gap. (Bug #13098)
- 00017d45: Hole under a rock. (Bug #13086)
- 000B0F1F: Gap in landscape. (Bug #13098)
- 000452ff: Floating rocks. (Bug #14262)
- 0004f6ee: Gap in a mountain. (Bug #13054)
- 0005DA49: Floating cliff. (Bug #13573)
- 000B599C, 000EEF80: See through rocks. (Bug #13098)
- 0003F4E1: Gap under a rock. (Bug #14281)
- 00063419: Floating rock. (Bug #14281)
- 0003B4B6: Floating rock. (Bug #14229)
- 0007c55c: Floating mound. (Bug #14276)
- 000a7e14: Gap under the landscape. (Bug #13044)
- 0003FB51: Misaligned rock. (Bug #14229)
- 0005082A, 0007F6C4: See through cliff. (Bug #13573)
- 000DB3CF: Road sign pointing the wrong way. (Bug #14229)
- 000a4a55, 000a4a56: Bowls clipping the ground. (Bug #13105)
- 000E845A: Rock buried too low into the ground. (Bug #14229)
- 000ea852: Floating snow mound. (Bug #13107)
- 0009971d: Floating mountain. (Bug #13082)
- 000BADC9: Floating road section. (Bug #14229)
- 00089768: Floating mound. (Bug #13084)
- 000F2287: Falmer tent blocking access. Scale had to be increased. (Bug #13331)
- 0009486b: Bucket clipping the ground. (Bug #13113)
- 0009847A: Floating snow mound. (Bug #13098)
- 02068D0C: Rocks added to cover a hole in Darkwater Cave. (Bug #14264)
- 0006640A: Room optimizer out of place leaving a rendering gap. (Bug #14468)
- 0009344C: Room optimizer out of place leaving a rendering gap. (Bug #14471)
- 0005A264: Room optimizer out of place leaving a rendering gap. (Bug #14173)
- 0010831A: Mud crab spawner nowhere near water. (Bug #14506)
- 000e600d: Stormcloak banner not connected to an enable parent. (Bug #14501)
- 000AAE2B: Book sitting in the middle of nowhere. Moved to Alftand (it was nearby) (Bug #14325)
- All of the snowberry bushes in Winterhold have been swapped for the snow covered version of the same plant. (Bug #14278)
- Several corpses and blood splatters were not hooked up to the proper enable parent at Fort Amol. (Bug #14198)
- 000155ab, 000155aa, 000155a9, 000155a7: Light sources not hooked up to the enable parent associated with the embers beneath them. (Bug #14142)
- 000EC45C, 000EC45E: Room optimizers in Riften Jail that lost their multibound references. Thanks Obama! (Bug #14127)
- 00076721, 00076722: Swapped positions on two floor pieces to cure a rendering bug. (Bug #14052)
- 000e8886: Lantern clipping with pipe. (Bug #13976)
- 00093D62: Z-fighting stairway. (Bug #13976)
- 0010dd14: Mining marker too low to the ground. (Bug #13732)
- 000d1369, 00015f43: Light sources rotated to hide lighting engine bugs. (Bug #13676)
- 000C7CEE: Wood pile in Solitude attached to the wrong enable parent for post-war setup. (Bug #13581)
- 00031398: Dagger clipping an altar. (Bug #13534)
- 00098AAC: Sconce detached from wall. (Bug #13534)
- 00098b51: Rock clipping a grate. (Bug #13534)
- 000988c0: Trigger reachable through a door. (Bug #13534)
- 0009af31: Snow z-fighting with floor. (Bug #13534)
- 00060515: Crate clipping a wall. (Bug #13532)
- 00060516: Barrel clipping crate. (Bug #13532)
- Every candle lantern in cell PotemasCatacombs01 was sunken into the surface of where it had been placed. (Bug #13532)
- 000b7358: Z-fighting archway. (Bug #13531)
- 02069d2c: Dirt mound added to cover a terrain hole. (Bug #13528)
- 0005eefe, 0005eeba: Idle markers in front of Brynjolf's stand were not attached to their parent marker. (Bug #13510)
- 0001dd62, 0001dd7c, 0001dd7d: Out of place dirt mounds that should have been ice pieces. (Bug #13503)
- 0001ddd4: Cave pillar protruding through the snow above ground. (Bug #13503)
- 0001d578: Ceiling piece badly placed, it has been removed. (Bug #13503)
- 0009be64: Badly aligned cave floor. (Bug #13496)
- 000FDF3B: Z-Fighting rug segments. (Bug #13496)
- 0009a5e0: Z-Fighting floor piece. (Bug #13496)
- 00046f29, 0009bfb3: Z-Fighting floor piece. (Bug #13495)
- 000d753a, 000d753b: Two blowing snow effects near Morthal were hanging in mid-air. (Bug #13467)
- 000952D2: Shelf + contents clipping into a wall. (Bug #13439)
- 000a1a32, 000a1a33, 000a1a34: Falmer in Nchuand-Zel downscaled erroneously. (Bug #13423)
- 000dd953: Knud's bed had incorrect ownership. Also moved Knud's editor location to be next to the bed. (Bug #13390)
- 0005ea8c, 0005ea93, 0005ea92: Objects that should not have ownership. (Bug #13348)
- 000b7b61: Coin embedded in a counter. (Bug #13341)
- 000F8F85: Floating cobweb. (Bug #13341)
- 0003B4B6: Rock with exposed seam. (Bug #13320)
- 000387B9: Missing script property for dunDarklightQST. (Bug #14537)
- 000D97DD: Bandit carrying firewood did not have the script properties set. (Bug #14505)
- 000BF0BB: Moved a trigger with no apparent purpose. (Bug #14478)
- 00028AD5: Mayln's property for the "good" portal was set wrong. (Bug #14429)
- 000AD3A4: Trigger that should not have an enable parent. (Bug #14365)
- 0008A1B4: Activator missing its 3rd property for prisoners in Fellglow Keep. (Bug #14272, Bug #13996)
- 000955D9: Trigger that should not have an enable parent. (Bug #14225)
- 000CD4F5, 000CD4F4: Bear traps that should not be checking for the lightfoot perk. (Bug #14214) [NR]
- 000EC4BE: Door not linked with its deadbolt bar. (Bug #14151)
- 000AC283: Door used for prisoners with no properties set. (Bug #14144)
- 000F77B0: Music trigger with no track selected. (Bug #14118)
- 000EA7B7: Music trigger with no track selected. (Bug #13994)
- 00039FEC: Coin bag with a script attached it doesn't need. (Bug #14097) [NR]
- 0010FF5D: Sound object that should not have an enable parent. (Bug #14043)
- 00101643: Trigger box not linked to its intended actor. (Bug #13972)
- 000317cb: Trigger with an alias property not set. (Bug #13913) [NR]
- 000FB8B9: Trigger missing its enable marker property. (Bug #13905) [NR]
- 00070A1A: Word wall trigger with a quest property set it shouldn't have had. (Bug #13893) [NR]
- 00041C95: Quest property on the lever was not set. (Bug #14011) [NR]
- 00052cd7: Barricade collision should not have an enable parent. (Bug #13937)
- 0008f62d: Road trigger missing the WEStart property. (Bug #13902)
- 000d1677: Wolf not coupled to the enable parent for its encounter. (Bug #14528)
- 00010c2a: Book with an erroneously set spawn container. (Bug #14509)
- 000d27c8: Moved pie and the plate it sits on back from the edge of a table. (Bug #14551)
- 000cd3ee: Adjusted potato that falls off the plate to the floor. (Bug #14551)
- 000C97D2: Giant improperly attached to an enable parent. (Bug #13857)
- 000F778E, 0005cee3, 000bac16, 00103af4, 000ba032, 000fda33: Helgen trigger boxes improperly attached to an enable parent. (Bug #13851)
- 0008b4cd, 00081b31: Pressure plates with invalid sound property set. (Bug #13748) [NR]
- 000e99e4: floating nordic barnacle
- 107774, 107775, 107776: eggs embedded in a table (Bug #14456)
- 00046f1a: overly large satchel on a shelf (Bug #14477)
- 000E9EDB: Room bounds portal that was not large enough for the hallway it was used in. (Bug #12786)
- 00101CBF: Barrel in Honningbrew Meadery that wasn't attached to the enable parent. (Bug #13909)
- 000a313f: Added stockade pilings to close the gap behind the gate in Southfringe Sanctum. (Bug #13304)
- 000B301C: Bear in Helgen Keep incorrectly attached to an enable parent.
Text Fixes
- Arngeir's subtitle (MQ204ArngeirExclusiveEnd) "Come. We will teach you..." -> "We will teach you..."
- Book2CommonBeggarPrince: "Wheedle came upon a three men surrounding a beggar." -> "Wheedle came upon three men surrounding a beggar."
- Perk MagicResistance30: Leading space in the name removed. (Bug #14063)
- The Steed Stone message (doomSteedRemovedMSG) was incorrectly flagged as a message box. (Bug #14439)
- WE34Note: " is an enemy to the Thalmor" -> "Alias.PronounCap=Player> is an enemy to the Thalmor" (Bug #14083)
- WindhelmGoodbyes, Wuunferth: "A strong sword-arm wins battle" -> "A strong sword-arm wins battles" (missing the s) (Bug #13970)
- Unmelting Snowbank (000c8dc4) had wrong activation text. (Bug #14090)
- Khajiit claw damage is erroneously listed as doing 15 points of damage when it really only does 12. (Bug #13119)
The complete changelog is