Changing a weapons model

Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:18 pm

Dear modders,

a small question I cannot figure out.

I want to replace the model of Red Eagle's sword (an ancient honed draugr sword) by the model of the Nord Hero Sword (the one that can be crafted at the SkyForge) through the use of the Creation Kit. How do I do this? I cannot seem to find the .nif file of any sword/weapon/armour/anything on my computer, as if it does not exist. Yet the Nord Hero Sword looks fine to me in the creation kit haha ;) (as does the draugr variant btw).

Smaller question, in the weapon tab (after double clicking a weapon in the object window of the creation kit) on the left top there is value known as 'Enchantment'. Am I correct to assume that this value shows how large the usage bar of the enchantment is? (say one hit with the enchantment costs a 100 and the enchantment value is a 1000 so you can swing the sword 10 times before it runs out of energy?)

Thank you,


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Paula Rose
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