Hey there!
I want to create an NPC with the creation kit that can give and cure Lycanthropy.
I have searched around online but cannot find an awnser. Anybody here who knows how?
Thank you and with kind regards,
Hey there!
I want to create an NPC with the creation kit that can give and cure Lycanthropy.
I have searched around online but cannot find an awnser. Anybody here who knows how?
Thank you and with kind regards,
This will be very complex unlike doing so with vampire. A lot happens during the transition into werewolf.
All I can do is point you in the right direction.
Examine the PlayerWerewolfChange Script. Examine the Quest CO3 for how it is placed on the player, and C06 for how it is removed, although I couldn't find an obvious method. It may even help to look over the PlayerWerewolfQuest itself.
Alternative: DLC1VQ01 Quest, and DLC1VQ04 for reference quests on curing Werewolf.
Good luck.
That indeed seems awfully complicated!
There is no way to script an NPC to ask to let the player become a werewolf and *poof* lycanthropy is added?
Same goes for removing it?
It is a matter of getting the right function and having it called on the End fragment for dialogue.
True, thank you for the explanation. I think I will skip this part of the creation of my mod then. It is not vital .
Though I will suggest that deconstructing vanilla quests and scripts(scripts definitely) is a good way to learn how to do things, or even new things.