Hah same, but I probably can't help myself Although I will test if certain annoying bugs are still there. Im not counting on more weekends tbh, think they are too busy processing data and fixing bugs as much as they are atm.
My guess is it will be 1st or 2nd week of March. IMO they could use at least one more stress test beta, just to ensure they don't get stuck with a FF14:ARR type launch. ESO's server was falling apart by the end of their last stress test.
First off client was just updated and adds the EU / US split. This indicates that they had enough players last test to get the performance test they needed. If not it would make sense to have an even larger test on one server next time.
One major problem I had in the beta was broken quests, typically quest mini bosses did not spawn or quest mechanism did not work. I guess this is an common issue because of all the people did the quests and it has some re-spawn timer however people waited over 10 minutes sometimes even came back later and it was still broken. If you came back next day it tend to work.
You also has problem with grouping in instanced quest dungeons.
Both are pretty critical issues.
Now I wonder if the dropping of the open beta is because of performance issues. An open beta get far more players than the game has on launch, the problem is not the shard servers as the game run smooth, the problem was the allocation to shards.
Now that will harder than just adding servers to fix, however they only need it to work well enough for launch peak.
I suspect sometime between now, and the official release. I always hedge my bets
I suspect that some quests have been left broken intentionally. I think they could have been looking at how their support system could be overwhelmed with bug report support questions and complaints by having some broken quests that they know about.
I'm sure there will be at least two more beta tests, as you mentioned, the client has been split
Also the NDA lift news on the website confirms multiple betas: http://elderscrollsonline.com/en/news/post/2014/02/15/the-beta-nda-has-lifted
"...There isn't a beta event taking place now, but we'll hold another soon--watch for invites. You'll be free to capture and share footage and screenshots, stream your gameplay, and talk about the game wherever you'd like during that test (and in future tests)..."
(and in future tests) - this would suggest 3 tests altogether, but I think they will not manage to pull of 3 test between now and launch
Two imo:
Then one week after the second test marketing will start three weeks of hype until 4.4.14
You really think the beta is just marketing? It may have a marketing component but they have betas to fix bugs in the code. Often subtle bugs are hard to create and hard to identify. As well, the massive network involved is not at all simple to implement. Hordes of people beating on it is by far the best way to get this stuff right. They will take every opportunity to get the game right before launch.
I predict one either this coming weekend 22/23 or the next, and one in March, maybe two.
I am guessing there are two more Beta weekend tests. We may even experience a third or one of the weekend tests may become a week long test. Given how difficult it was to get into Cyrodiil during the last test, I would venture ZOS has plenty of data and results from stressing the servers. What they do not have is much data or testing on the level 15+ content. With at least one lower level quest broken despite thousands of players accessing and reporting it during the past two or three Beta test weekends, I suspect the upper level content is rife with bugs. A simple weekend test - even one that permits players to continue their characters - will not be sufficient to cover even half of the remaining content. A week long test will be necessary.
My predictions:
February 21 - 24
March 7 - 17
March 21 - 24 (if issues need to be investigated and fixed before launch in late March)
While 3 would be nice, I'm guessing there will only be 1 more. We know for sure there will be at least 1 more, since the last beta email said:
You'll be able to play any characters you created during the last test, and they'll all be available again when we send you an invitation to our next test.
They mention next test, not subsequent tests (though to play devil's advocate, they didn't say LAST test either). They've been going on a 1 per month schedule, 2nd Friday of the month. So I'm guessing the next, and last, beta test will be March 7th. That gives them about 3 weeks between the last beta and early access.
I am going to guess it will be mid march or maybe the week before it ends.... I also think it will be a week long test to see how the servers run week long with constant players entering and exiting plus another record breaker with allowing everyone into beta.
Check out your launcher early in the week (Mon/Tues). Chances are if there's a large patch, a beta is soon to follow.