Most of my character's don't get above 50, when I feel their story is is.
If you like the "free wheeling" type, As Arem says " Have you tried mercenary work, it might suit you". I like it as I can stick to one side of the map of the other or even one hold.
I also like doing "Thane of the hold" who's more of a "do everything the guard's don't do". Get rid of bandit's, animal's that might attack travelers...etc. This give's me a reason to go in and out of almost every cave, fort or ruin in a hold.
Either of the above can be played by almost any style of character. I generally have a more stable "family" orientated character do this, don't have to though.
Of course a thief type character is also good for doing DB.... to continue on with him or her.
Just my play style but I like very specific type characters, they don't last as long. But because of the way I play I still have not done all of the vanilla content. On my explorer/Thane/Mercenary types I purposely skipped all Dwemer ruins unless a quest took me in it.
I hadn't done a pure mage lately ( for me that's try to get past lvl 15 with one), I also haven't ever gotten any mage skill to 100 except conjuration ( that was with a battlemage) so I have a pure mage that I am doing CoW and Dragon Born with...or trying DB with her anyway.
I've done one or two DiD characters, not a style I could run every character with, but it is fun.