So, how'd you get into Skyrim ? Or, how did your Skyrim experience evolve?
Myself, I started playing Skyrim on PS3, got used copy cheap at Gamestop. Was looking for a game to replace Diablo3, was so sick and tired of the repetition, and the leveling for no purpose got old after a few months. I had Oblivion for PC (no expansions), since about the time the game came out, but never 'got around' to trying it out lol. After playing Skyrim for a couple weeks on PS3, I noticed a copy of GoTY version of Oblivion at Gamestop for like $9, picked it up, for if I ever tire of Skyrim, I love having a game similar to one I've played a long time, but with different content, but eventually, I WILL get around to playing it, though now I'll probably pick up the GoTY version for PC lol.
Anyways, after about 2 months of playing Skyrim on PS3, I decided to move up to the PC version, since the long load times were seriously cutting into my playtime. simply cause on PS3 the loads are very long, and I like to save a lot also, saving takes about the same time as loading a new area , on PS3. Plus I was very anxious to see how good it looked on PC, though I didn't think I'd get into modding.
A day or so after installing Skyrim on my PC, I was kinda bored (not with Skyrim) , just bored overall, moreless unmotivated. Spent the day reading up on how to mod Skyrim, and watched most of Gopher's videos. After installing my first mod , which was a graphical mod, I was definitely hooked on modding. I spend majority of first 2 weeks learning about BOSS, TES5edit, Wrye Bash patches, and of course reading up on mods, types of mods, and deciding what all I'd like to adjust in my game and fine tuning things so I got good performance. Ended up installing a new graphics card, since my PC used an integrated graphics chip. First time I ever installed a graphics card in a PC, was SOO easy (also had to upgrade my power supply for the graphics card, was also very easy to install).
So basically, I was here on the forums a lot during that 2 week period of discovering modding. As some may have noticed, lately I've been posting a lot less, probably because , finally, I've gotten really into actually playing Skyrim lol. I absolutely love everything about this game and the things modding adds such as : Vilja & Inigo, much better graphics & details, improved monsters and increased respawns (thanks Immersive Creatures ! ), new areas (Falskaar, moonpath to Elsweyr, and Wormstooth), and more armors & weapons (thanks immersive weapons and immersive armors ! ).
I just see that it will ever be tough to move on from Skyrim anytime soon, and finally get around to playing Oblivion lol ! Graphically, Skyrim is going to be a tough game to beat (though, I won't be expecting that from Oblivion, though the graphics are good, just not as realistic as Skyrim).
So.. that's my overall Skyrim experience, so far.....
I've gotten my Khajiit thief, Adam, to level 36 and thru the thieve's guild quest and Dark Brotherhood Quest, just started Dawnguard quests, he's already level 36, and by no means a jack-of-all-trades, this time around, pretty much keeping to the thief / assassin rp.
Please share your Skyrim experience with us !