Hi all!
im new to the forum, so forgive me if i make a mistake!
Also, i have to say that my understanding of the creation kit, and specifically of papyrus are very basic.
Im writing because i have a headache because a weird problem.
I made a teleport mod to travel between player homes in Skyrim, all of them (vanilla, dawnguard and dragonborn)
What i have done:I made a custom stone duplicating the steedstone, edited the base so every stone with its ID has the attached script, linked messages, and scripted menu. Then i dropped it to every house. The same for the xmarker. Now i have a working activator stone in every home, wich prompts a menu that teleports you to the selected home(xmarker). Everything works ok. For the record, i had to resize them (using s key+right click) because they were too big. I have been very careful not to modify other stuff in the cell.
Problem is: in two specific houses (markarth=Vlindrel Hall and Raven Rock=Severin Manor) both stones are invisible, but only those two.
Things i noticed and tried in both cells:
-Even being invisible, the stone works as intended and teleports me to the destination i choose.
-All the other stones are ok, visible and working.
-I tried dragging another stone, and deleting the previous one in the cell.
-I tried moving it to another position, rotating it, resizing, changing axis position
-It has its nif, wich i have not touched.
-I can also see the stoneā²s shadow behind its invisible body.
-and the best of all, wich freaks me out: If i use tcl command, and i place my self in the empty grey area, the freaking stone APPEARS!
Another question:also, i am dont know how to add a condition to an existing Elseif... i mean...make transport only work if you OWN the house, mantaining the menu inside the spoiler, without adding submenus....i know the command but i dont know how to apply it to the script...
Im sorry for the loooong post. If anyone can help i would be extremely grateful!
Please...prevent my head from exploding!
In the spoiler button i show my current script:
ObjectReference property kkWhiterunTarget auto
ObjectReference Property kkWindhelmTarget Auto
ObjectReference Property kkRiftenTarget Auto
ObjectReference Property kkSolitudeTarget Auto
ObjectReference Property kkMarkarthTarget Auto
ObjectReference Property kkRavenRockTarget Auto
ObjectReference Property kkLakeviewManorTarget Auto
ObjectReference Property kkWinstadManorTarget Auto
ObjectReference Property kkHeljarchenHallTarget Auto
Message Property kkteleportmenumessage auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Function Menu(int aiButton=0)
aiButton = kkteleportmenumessage.show()
if aiButton == 0
Elseif aiButton == 1
Elseif aiButton == 2
Elseif aiButton == 3
Elseif aiButton == 4
Elseif aiButton == 5
Elseif aiButton == 6
Elseif aiButton == 7
Elseif aiButton == 8