lol way to totally miss the fact you cant have your own alt guild that your 7 alts are in.....
lol way to totally miss the fact you cant have your own alt guild that your 7 alts are in.....
your different faction character cant be in the same campaign. the system wont allow it
I'm so with you on this. I detest having all my characters in any guild I join. I would much rather join one single guild on a per character basis.
So then I have to choose (or will have the right to choose taken off me) over which guild I'm allowed to represent? This multiplied by 5 possible guild choices all of which could potentially be in the same campaign? Sounds like a major head ache.
Guild Leader asks me to assist because they are about to lose our keep but I have to gleefully decline as another of my characters that fights for one of the guild involved in the same campaign is the campaign the game have or I have chosen to fight for this time round. I don't see my guild leader being overly impressed at losing the keep and my excuse of "well I'm already involved with that campaign on a different character"
Oh god please, I hope the devs shed more light on the way RvRvR is going to work when mixed with the 5 guilds across 8 characters all potentially in different alliances.
Would have been much easier to have a single guild for a single character!
Can i choose a different campaign from my guild (same faction)?
Not sure, would either need access to the game again and PvP to test it. Or to have a dev QnA clear it up.