And yet...
First thing I see when I go to to see what's what is a close-up of a pair of boobs.
Second thing I see is the no. 1 downloaded mod in the past 2 weeks is a female armour set with the word "cleavage" actually in its title. 260k views and 41k downloads in under two weeks.
Third thing I see is the three toplists hyperlinks. The third is "Most endorsed files of all-time (non-advlt)". There are so many advlt ones that they need to create a separate list excluding them.
Now obviously I know they're not all saucy and I was just having a laugh when I said the top mods were 101 boob enhancers. While I (like the OP) appreciate the TES titles giving a better representation of women than the norm for RPGs, I had to and still do disagree with the sentiment expressed by someone that they deter the perverts. Thanks to the moddability of the games - a neat feature that I'm sure has contributed significantly to their popularity - few other games can reach the levels of 'perversion' that the TES titles can.
The saucier mods for Skyrim go above, beyond and reach into alternate dimensions compared to other RPGs. In some cases to the extent of qualifying unequivocally as pormography. And the developers profit from this. Not from the mods obviously but the people downloading these mods still have to buy the game and may do so only / largely because they know they can make it so boobtastic. It gets past any concerns about ratings because the game is completely vanilla. The x-ratedness comes entirely from third-party content which isn't sold and therefore not subject to much regulation.