hearthfire items (extraordinary high skill up vs value)
Higher the value of the item, the more skill advances
Trick is getting it out... a lot of the dwarven metal is heavy!
One option is to find the mods on pc that increase or make ore spawns unlimited mining amounts (I use one that increases it, seems like you should get more than 3 ore from a vein)
right side-
first it's best to make iron armour, arrows or hearthfire nails. you cant make money from the hearthfire nails or iron arrows at low level speech. you need some better prices perks before you can sell them for 1 septim each.
get the steel perk then carry on with iron stuff until you get the dwarven smithing perk. create dwarven bows or arrows to boost your smithing for another 20 levels. this will build your money up quite quick.
once you get the orcish smithing perk you can create the armour and sell that for a decent profit even if you buy the things needed to craft it. you might need 10% better prices though.
Carry on with dwarven bows, arrows and orcish armour until you get the ebony smithing perk. creating any ebony item will get you good money and increase your smithing skill quite a lot.
carry on with that until level 100 smithing. Daedric stuff is not needed because hearts aren't common and it takes time to find them.
left side-
like the right side, make iron armour, arrows or hearthfire nails.
get the steel perk then carry on with iron stuff until you get the elven smithing perk. create elven arrows or elven warhammers. bows will cost too much for the crafting supplies.
do that for 30 levels.
Get the advanced smithing perk and continue with elven stuff. get the glass smithing perk then make Glass anything. arrows, bows and warhammers will get you some money back.
Do that until you reach level 100.
if you have no need for iron ingots still buy them and craft iron arrows. eventually you will be able to sell them for 1 septim each and you will be richer than the Jarl of Solitude.
OR on console just bring a follower and make them carry everything.
This, its basically what I do. It is also pretty simple too make a ton of dwarven bows until like level 70 or so then upgrade them for more xp and increase their value for selling.
In addition to crafting dwarven bows, make sure the warrior stone is active, get a good night's rest for the well rested bonus, if you're married even better, and perhaps craft some smithing gear.
With the follower glitch or whatever, you can have your follower carry an infinite amount of dwarven loot.
Only works if your blood is pure. Mine is that of the beast. Hail Hircine and all that
Hmm, can you send tell me that glitch? Lol, I mostly just use a follower and make trips, I tend to be oblivious to a great deal of the glitches in the game. Heck I literally just learned something that is apparently well know, the fortify restoration glitch. News to me
Order your follower to pick something up rather than giving it to her (no pun intended) up front. It's the "I want you to do something" option, then point to some loot and she'll pick it up. Replace "she" with "he" if using a male.
Gotcha, its so simple hence why I didn't think of it Thanks
Sorry to the OP, minor case of thread hijacking. I offer a turtle as payment