The Blades & the Greybeards

Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:56 am

Eh I don't thinks there's actually any explanation as to why they revere the Dragonborn. As far as I know the original Dragonguard just immediately knelt upon hearing Remans proclaimed him Dragonborn and swore fealty to him and then went on to help him conquer the rest of Tamriel. Seems kind of odd considering they still went about their Dragon genocide well serving the Dragonborn up until sometime during the Second Era.

Hell apparently there entire reason for Invading Tamriel was to continue hunting Dragons after wiping them out in Akavir. Which if true makes me wonder how they knew that there were tons of Dragons in Tamriel as well. I've always liked that Atmora was/is Kamal. The Dragon cult in skyrim does seem to have a lot of similarities to what little we know of Akavir. Like the Dragon scale armour from Morrowind looks a lot like the Dragon Priest robes.

But back to the point no clue what so ever why they would revere or serve a Dragon in a mortal body. Maybe because they're the ultimate dragon slayer like Delphine says? They no doubt had Dragonborn in Akavir to help in their war with the dragons over there.

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Trista Jim
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:29 am

That's the problem I am having is the Akaviri and the Dragonborn relationship. To me there is too much static(referring an anology to radio interference) in that part of lore for me to understand.

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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:25 pm

I don't think it's all that different. They're helping you because they hope to turn you to their way of thinking. I dislike their order because of what it represents, the neutering of the Nords.

I'm guessing it's because of the ability of the Tsaesci to "eat" whole races and absorb their power. That's what the Dragonborn does with dragons. And why I refuse to engage in their genocidal crusade.
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:38 am

Personally I just go with my own head cannon that the civil war ysgramor and his settlers were fleeing was the Tsaesci (Possibly the actual snake men and their likely Human slaves) vs the Dragons and their Cultists. Atmora seems a lot like Kamal (Not sure what caused it to freeze over possibly the death of most of the dragons?). We know that a war was fought between the Tsaesci and the Ka po' tun that left both weakened and most of the Dragons dead. We don't know when but only after the Tsaesci attempted to enslave and eat all the Dragons. (Snakes vs Dragons? Sounds familiar) I would guess this happened sometime near the end of the Merethic since that seems to be when the Dragons arrive in skyrim along with the Nords and Dragon cult. That and there were supposedly men in akavir but that there no longer are. (Although this is clouded by the fact that the Akaviri in pale pass and sources related to it are depictied as humanoids/humans same as on the Dragon wall)

The Nords possibly being men of Akavir that fled before they could be eaten/enslaved by the snake.

Akavir the Dragons, Nords, Tsaesci, Atmora and Kamal all seem to be connected in some way to me. But non of it really makes much sense which ever way you try to interpret it. The ancient Nords revered shor/lorkhan yet also had the Dragon cult and worshiped Dragons for a time, there's a race of snake men in akavir who where warring with the dragons and ate all the men of akavir.

Akavir seems to be some sort of messed up mirror of Tamriel where everything is messed up and makes no sense. Maybe it's a remnant of the last Kalpa preserved by Dagon/The Lepper Demon King

Eh I'm just rambling now either way I just wish we knew more about both Akavir and Atmora and hell the entire Mereithic era in general. Personally I find it a lot more interesting then 4th Era Tamriel.

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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:52 am

That's true now that you mention it but I personally don't really mind it when the Greybeards do it because at least they don't throw a tantrum when they don't get their way unlike Delphine and Esbern. Well unless you kill Paarthurnax then they're understandably pissed. I mostly mean when you decide to go a head and stop Alduin despite the Greybeards and Paarthurnax suggesting that perhaps he shouldn't be stopped. (Assuming he was actually going to eat the world this time instead of just trying to rule it again)

Where as the Blades just throw a tantrum the second you refuse to go along with their crusade despite them not even killing a single dragon well you ran around the entirety of Skyrim killing dozens of them and then finally offed Alduin they just sat on the sidelines and bossed you around the entire time. The graybeards at least teach you how to use your voice and then Paarthurnax even helps you learn a shout that would allow you to kill him with even greater ease if you chose to.

Perhaps I'm being a tad biased, Delphine did at least help you figure out that Alduin was just reviving all the dead dragons and Esbern deciphering the wall.

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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:49 am

The "Blades" are two people, once Esbern croaks it's going to be called the Blade and even then Delphine will start pimping herself out.

But seriously, if the game was realistic and didn't force you into running all over the place you could sit there talking to paarthurnax for 6 hours, I'm sure he knew everything the Blades did, they could be taken out of the game and replaced. They're near useless, they can't be reasoned with, perhaps they forget you're the Dragonborn and could kill them at any moment? For a two people that have been in hiding for years they sure were quick to jump to rule.

Sure the Grey Beards might look like a bunch of pansies but I get where they're coming from, allowing someone free reign of the voice would be like giving a child a a bag of candy and telling him not to eat all of it, of course he's going to eat it all the moment you look away. If the Grey Beards just went "Oh yeah voice this voice that do what you want yolo." there would be more than one crazy Ulfric in Skyrim.

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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:10 pm

Not only that in a perfectly "realistic" game. You could likely spend 6 hours talking to any Paarthy or Angier and possibly a few other people who would know more about the return of the Dragons then the Blades. Especially if your the member of the College they have a giant library that no doubt contains some old books about that period of history from which you could glean some information even after the Great Collapse they've got to have some books older then the late second era stashed away somewhere.

And I agree not a good idea for the Greybeards to mess around with their voice.

They shake things for miles around the throat of the world when they merely summon you the first time it's probably not a good idea for them to use their voices offensively. Especially with all the giant caverns under Skyrim it likely wouldn't end well.

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Everardo Montano
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:53 am

Oh god, I know the anti-greybeard crap was going to enter into this topic the whole "They are making the nords weaker" crap, if anything they are stopping nords from using a power that could level entire cities, which is a good thing not "making them weaker." Dependence on the thu'um makes the Nords soft, just like the reliance on ALMSIVI made the Dunmer weak.
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:59 am

I think they are both morons. One should not trust a dragon, but neither should one outright kill them all just because. That is also racist.

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Paula Ramos
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:31 pm

They seem to be forgetting that with the Thu'um the Nords were so overconfident that they got annihilated at the battle of red mountain. They couldn't even successfully conquer the Dwemer that where within their own borders.

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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:20 pm

The Thu'um is magic, a simple silence spell can negate it, now imagine if someone made a system of magical wards negating all magic. That would stop the Thu'um and if the Nords became so confident with using the Thu'um they would lose fast. Something which I wouldn't be surprised if it happened nowadays since silence spells are common among mages, especially going up against a force that uses magic like the Altmer, the Dunmer, the Imperials and the Bretons.
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:29 am

Not to mention it's not infallible even without silence spells after all a small amount of Nordic tongues managed to overthrow the Dragons who would have had a far greater understanding and mastery of the Thu'um.

Although sadly skyrim didn't deliverer as much info as it could have on both the Dragon war and the Nords conflict with the Falmer especially now that they both seem to overlap as of Skorm snow-striders journal. Both events we were originally led to believe happened in the Mereithic but apparently happened at the dawn of the first era. They could have gone so much more into depth on the Dragon cult, Dragon war and the Nords old culture instead of the rather boring watered down Nords we got. :confused:

Oh Talos this Talos that Stormcloaks this Imperials that Blades this Greybeards that Thalmor this Thalmor that. :yucky:

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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:26 am

The magic-using races don't give up magic because it can be silenced. Regardless, I was merely stating why I dislike the Greybeards, you're the one making an issue of it.

No one says it's infallible. If you lose a duel, do you throw your sword away and blame the sword? There's a difference between a loser and someone who loses a battle.

Now that's enough of that. The Greybeards and Blades are both zealots in their own way, the Greybeards just a latter day dragon cult and the Blades a sad little clique that's outlived its purpose.
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:08 pm

The blades were cool in Oblivion, but the yes/no option about paarthurnax, who was cool, made me side against them. I have no love for the Greybeards either.

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