Does you already know how much will you pay for the Subscription of the game??? I saw on ZOS Ask Support that English/French and German is going to have a flat price on their coins.
I just made contact by mail with ZOS/Bethesda, asking about if brazilians will have the cost flat to USD $15 in BRL (Real, our money in Brazil), and they responded that we will have to pay in dollars, that means we wont have a Flat price = 30 dollars or something near this....
Ok, I understand that, im a fan of the game, i'll play anyway, (a lot of brazilians won't because its really not a fair price), and i know most of MMO players that had experience with brazilians had "bad experience" because as in every culture there are a lot of jerks, and brazilians is no exception, we have jerks but we have very good ppl too.
Now, my real concern about this :
Isn't Zenimax going to compete (or at least be equal) to Blizzard and letting brazilians (that have a very large playerbase in mmos) pay the flat price????