I've been thinking lately whether I should get the Imperial Edition or the standard edition. Any opinions on which I should get? Thanks
I've been thinking lately whether I should get the Imperial Edition or the standard edition. Any opinions on which I should get? Thanks
Do you want the stuff in the Imperial Edition?
[] Yes
[] No
Pick one, and there's your answer.
The book was the main thing that got me to do the physical CE, and the statue is just *icing*(he looks so angry it's cute).
Otherwise I don't usually buy collector editions, digital or otherwise.
Use the 20% off coupon Greenmangaming.com give you and get the Digital Imperial.
I really wish I could get my hands on the CE. Anyone have any idea where some are still available?
why not?
What are the drawbacks to ordering other than like $20?
Ah...they have it, but that's $150 USD before shipping.