I am currently in the middle of remodeling a room in my house...was beyond thrilled there was no beta this weekend. Maybe I can be finished with the remodel by next weekend so I can play. Sorry guys, but no beta this weekend makes me
I am currently in the middle of remodeling a room in my house...was beyond thrilled there was no beta this weekend. Maybe I can be finished with the remodel by next weekend so I can play. Sorry guys, but no beta this weekend makes me
Invites should have went out today, if I remember correctly, if we were going to have one.
They may surprise me though. D:
Well, I got one. You're just unlucky.
They usually go out on Wednesday but on American time so it would be a lot later from what i recall. I had to download this week to so they have separated the beta US and EU now (ignore the message)
Oh well, nothing lost on my part, then. if I didn't get one, just means that I wouldn't be forced to choose between being productive or playing video games and getting my butt chewed.
If invites had actually gone out loads would of said.
Ah, so true. I hope if they DO open a beta, I can at the least play my last beta character...pretty much maxed everything out, except crafting...so, yeah. I can work on that with the limited play time I will have.
I just checked a few forums now and nothing so far but i hope so to they certainly need to.
If you don't receive one in 4 hours or less, it ain't coming.